Apache Kafka Wire Protocol Service Settings

Lists and describes parameters that you can configure in kafka-server.conf.

You can configure the following parameters in /opt/mapr/data-access-gateway/conf/kafka-server.conf:
Parameter Description
kafka.server.rpc.port TCP port that Apache Kafka Wire Protocol Service listens to for incoming client requests. Default is 9092.
kafka.server.rpc.security-protocol Configures authentication and encryption schemes. Supports PLAINTEXT or SASL_PLAINTEXT as the value. To enable authentication, set to SASL_PLAINTEXT. Note that DAG 5.0 does not support encryption.
kafka.server.rpc.sasl-mechanism Configures the list of SASL authentication mechanisms. This parameter is only effective when kafka.server.rpc.security-protocol is set to SASL_PLAINTEXT. In DAG 5.0, only PLAIN is supported.