s3domain info

Displays information about a HPE Ezmeral Object Store domain.

Permissions Required



s3domain info
        [ -cluster cluster_name ]
         -name name 	

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
cluster The cluster on which to run the command. By default, the cluster is the one on which the command is being run.
name The domain name for which to fetch information.

Output Parameters

Parameter Description
userCount The number of users in the domain.
usedSizeMB The amount of disk space in MB used by the domain. Buckets and Objects for every account in the domain use disk space.
bucketCount The number of buckets present in the accounts in the domain.
totalAccounts The number of accounts that belong to the domain.
unavailableAccounts The number of disabled accounts in the domain.

Sample Output

Return information for the domain primary:
maprcli s3domain info -name primary -json
        "timeofday":"2021-11-25 11:37:56.781 GMT-0800 PM",