Configuring ATS 2.0 for Hadoop 3.3

Describes how to install and configure the YARN Application Timeline Server (ATS) 2.0 for Hadoop 3.3.

Use these steps:
  1. Install the following packages:
    Package See for more information
    mapr-timelineserver Installing Hadoop and YARN
    mapr-hbase Install HBase on a Cluster Node
  2. Run the script:
    /opt/mapr/server/ -R -TL <FQDN>
  3. Add the property for hbase-site.xml to the yarn-site.xml:
    • Example for local path:
    • Example for Data Fabric file system path:
  4. Create the timeline service schema:
    echo "export HBASE_CLASSPATH="/opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-3.3.4/share/hadoop/yarn/timelineservice/*"" >> /opt/mapr/hbase/hbase-1.4.14/conf/
    /opt/mapr/hbase/hbase-1.4.14/bin/hbase -create
  5. Restart all YARN services: RM, NM, JHS, and ATS:
    maprcli node services -nodes <hostname -f> -name resourcemanager -action restart
    maprcli node services -nodes <hostname -f> -name timelineserver -action restart
    maprcli node services -nodes <hostname -f> -name historyserver -action restart
    maprcli node services -nodes <hostname -f> -name nodemanager -action restart