Pre-Upgrade Steps for Hue

Complete the following steps before you upgrade Hue with or without the Installer.

About this task


  1. Stop the Hue service:
    maprcli node services -name hue -action stop -nodes <ip_address>
  2. Create a Hue database dump as a JSON object:
    For MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Oracle
    source /opt/mapr/hue/hue-<version>/bin/activate
    hue dumpdata > ~/dump-hue-<version>.json
    For SQLite
    cd /opt/mapr/hue/hue-<version>/desktop
    sqlite3 desktop.db .dump > ~/dump-hue-<version>-sqlite.bak
  3. Copy the configuration properties from /opt/mapr/hue/hue-<version>/desktop/conf/ to a location outside your installation directory.
    After upgrading, you can reapply changes to the updated Hue installation using the backup.
  4. After upgrading on Ubuntu, remove the mapr-hue-base package:
    apt-get remove mapr-hue-base

Preserving Hue Configuration

Starting from EEP-6.0.0, preserving of user configuration logic is built into Hue.


For a major version update (for example, Hue-3.2-1803 to Hive-4.2-1808), user configuration from a previous version is only copied to a folder with an old version timestamp (/HUE_HOME/hue-