mc legalhold info

Displays legal hold information for an object.


/opt/mapr/bin/mc legalhold info [FLAGS] TARGET

  --recursive, -r                  show legal hold status recursively
  --version-id value, --vid value  show legal hold status of a specific object version
  --rewind value                   show legal hold status of an object version 
                                   at specified time
  --versions                       show legal hold status of multiple versions of object(s)
  --json                           enable JSON lines formatted output
  --debug                          enable debug output
  --insecure                       disable SSL certificate verification
  --help, -h                       show help


Parameter Description
recursive Displays legal hold information recursively for all objects.
version-id Displays legal hold information only for the specified version of the object.
rewind Rolls back objects to the version that was present in the specified point of time.
versions Displays legal hold information for all versions of the object.
json Enables JSON formatted output.
debug Enables output for debugging.
insecure Disables SSL verification.
help Shows this help.


  1. Display the legal hold information for a specific object:
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc legalhold info newmoss/worm2/f2
       [ OFF ] f2
  2. Display the legal hold information for a specific version of an object:
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc legalhold info newmoss/worm2/f2 --version-id 00000000000000000007
       [ ON ] 00000000000000000007 f2