Ranger - 2301 (EEP 9.1.0) Release Notes

Apache Ranger is a tool to help you monitor and manage security for the Hadoop components that are included in the HPE Ezmeral Ecosystem Pack. For more information about the Data Fabric implementation of Ranger, see Ranger.

The notes below relate specifically to the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric distribution of Apache Ranger. You may also be interested in the Apache Ranger home page and the Apache Ranger changelog.

These release notes contain only HPE-specific information and are not necessarily cumulative in nature. For information about how to use the release notes, see Ecosystem Component Release Notes.

Release Date January 2023
HPE Version Interoperability See EEP 9.1.0 Components and OS Support
Source on GitHub https://github.com/mapr/ranger
GitHub Release Tag
Maven Artifacts https://repository.mapr.com/maven/
Package Names Navigate to http://package.ezmeral.hpe.com/releases/MEP/, and select your EEP (MEP) and OS to view the list of package names.

New in this Release

This release of Ranger includes:
  • PrestoDB plugin for Kubernetes
  • New configuration properties:
    • RAN-223: ranger.security.type (security_type)
    • RAN-216: ranger.usersync.service.retryinmillis (RETRY_INTERVAL)
  • RAN-192: New package mapr-ranger-usersync to decouple services
  • CVE fixes
  • Bug fixes
  • Added a new property ranger.usersync.service.retryinmillis.

    When UserSync fails to communicate with Admin, UserGroup initialization fails. Starting from EEP 9.1.0, you can use the ranger.usersync.service.retryinmillis property to specify the retry interval for the service start process upon failure. The default value is 15000 milliseconds and the minimum value is 10000 milliseconds.


This HPE release includes the following fixes on the base apache release. For details, refer to the commit long for this project in GitHub:
GitHub Commit Number Date (YYYY-MM-DD) HPE Fix Number and Description
500752ad 2023-01-05 EEP-RAN-257: Error appears during configure.sh run if user-sync is installed on a separate node
59d3bbfa6 2022-12-29 EEP-RAN-256: Remove yarn service from Ranger Admin UI home screen
3d0abff6d 2022-12-23 EEP-RAN-254: [PrestoDB] Adding row level filtering support with test cases
3621ab7b5 2022-12-23 EEP-RAN-254: [PrestoDB] Adding hadoop-shaded-guava into runtime library
2fb70b4c0 2022-12-23 EEP-RAN-254: [PrestoDB] Using HPE specific presto-*.jar
d29289998 2022-12-21 EEP-RAN-255: netty-codec-haproxy vulnerabilities
70527c5a7 2022-12-21 EEP-RAN-253: kafka-clients vulnerabilities
3d213c4dc 2022-12-21 EEP-RAN-251: commons-text vulnerabilities
e3256ea64 2022-12-21 RANGER-3960: Upgrade spring-security version to 5.7.5
659bed2db 2022-12-21 EEP-RAN-248: snakeyaml vulnerabilities
ca033e018 2022-12-21 EEP-RAN-246: woodstox-core vulnerabilities
1a53270a3 2022-12-21 EEP-RAN-245: jettison vulnerabilities
ef8e3d30a 2022-12-21 EEP-RAN-244: ivy vulnerabilities
30c9ba307 2022-12-21 EEP-RAN-243: calcite-core vulnerabilities
8b891daf1 2022-12-21 EEP-RAN-242: jackson-databind vulnerabilities
75f8dcb58 2022-12-16 RAN-239 local variable javax_net_ssl_keyStore_type referenced before assignment
f84d4a9ff 2022-12-15 EEP-RAN-238: Ranger Hive plugin fails when trying to enable it on Java 17 env
ca824cfc0 2022-12-12 EEP-RAN-237: RangerUserync's setup.py changes file permission as 750 for install.properties
098a7c79b 2022-12-02 EEP-RAN-231: Apply changes in CORE-830 to RangerClientSecurity.java
bd85740cf 2022-12-02 RAN-230 [Ranger] Update protobuf-java version to 3.21.9
223e87710 2022-12-01 EEP-RAN-229: Unable to complete Ranger configuration on env with Java 17 because of setup.sh failure
d3b6cd3ca 2022-11-23 RAN-228 Parse mapr-clusters.conf file instead of using Mapr JNI in MaprSecurity
ce87445fe 2022-11-21 EEP-RAN-141: HS2 log contains errors related to Ranger with 'couldn't find resource file location' text
bd0103100 2022-11-18 RAN-226 MapR-SASL must be configurable option (plugin side)
7bccd9bb6 2022-11-18 RAN-223 MapR-SASL must be configurable option (admin side)
6a69f00fd 2022-11-16 EZAF-238: Prepare updated Ranger plugin for Presto DB
ba96b1d50 2022-11-14 EZAF-184: Presto plugin for Ranger v2.3
2e413a357 2022-11-11 EEP-RAN-225: Optimize symlink usage for Ranger-Admin in both K8S and EEP envs
1fdcba443 2022-10-27 EEP-RAN-218: Modify HDFS plugin's install.properties
e19f5fbb3 2022-10-25 EEP-RAN-216: When failed to initialize UserGroup source/sink, it waits too long to retry
d2b621979 2022-10-24 EEP-RAN-215: Modify configuration for separated Ranger services' packages
269c6e888 2022-10-20 EEP-RAN-213: Decouple admin and usersync internal libraries
dccdbc983 2022-10-19 EEP-RAN-208: YARN plugin's connection test fails as 'Unable to retrieve any Yarn Queues using given parameters.'
7b1f5fa6a 2022-10-18 EEP-RAN-207: [Ranger-2.3] YARN plugin installation throws CNF exceptions Part-2
af706e4ac 2022-10-17 EEP-RAN-207: [Ranger-2.3] YARN plugin installation throws CNF exceptions
9f31ccd71 2022-10-14 EEP-RAN-206: YARN Client requires MapR security integration
340a31359 2022-10-13 Adding deployment phase to Jenkins file
0b4fc4ca8 2022-10-12 EEP-RAN-205: Sync Protobuf version with Core-7.1 and use it from cluster
d537241f0 2022-10-11 RAN-170 Unable to decrypt password due to error (2)
ec4435f19 2022-10-11 RAN-203 authorizer.RangerHiveAuthorizer: failed to get database object from Hive metastore
eaed5948c 2022-10-11 RAN-201 Add properties to ranger-ugsync-site.xml to be able to enable deletion of synced unix users/groups which were removed
4f6f3db8b 2022-10-11 RAN-200 DF cluster admin should be Ranger admin as well
959781089 2022-09-28 RAN-202 Could not initiate at timedTask

Known Issues and Limitations

Ranger and Mixed FIPS Configurations
The Ranger component in EEP 9.1.0 cannot be used in a mixed FIPS configuration (a cluster consisting of FIPS and non-FIPS nodes).
Because of conflicts between the Ranger debian packages in EEP 9.1.0, installing or upgrading multiple Ranger packages to EEP 9.1.0 on the same node causes the following installation error:
trying to overwrite '/opt/mapr/ranger/rangerversion', which is also in package <package_name>
Workaround: To avoid this issue, pass the --force-overwrite option to dpkg when installing the packages. You can accomplish this through apt by using the -o DPkg::options::="--force-overwrite" option.
For example, the following command installs the mapr-ranger and mapr-ranger-userysnc packages by passing the --force-overwrite option to dpkg through apt:
sudo apt install mapr-ranger mapr-ranger-usersync -o DPkg::options::="--force-overwrite"

Resolved Issues

HMS-related known issues are removed from the Known Issues section.