Run Hive Jobs with Oozie

IMPORTANT This component is deprecated. Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends using an alternate product. Deprecated components are either in maintenance or have reached the end of their maintenance lifecycle. For more information, see Discontinued Ecosystem Components.
You run Hive jobs with Oozie by configuring a Hive workflow.
  1. Configure a Hive workflow. You can configure Oozie to perform a workflow by connecting to Hive Metastore or Hiveserver2.
    Configure a Hive Workflow with Connection to Hive Metastore
    1. To use a metastore server for the Hive job, add the following parameter to the hive-site.xml file:
        <value>thrift://<IP address>:<port></value>
        <description>IP address (or fully-qualified domain name) and port of the metastore host</description>
    2. Copy the edited hive-site.xml file to the same location as your workflow.xml file.
    3. If you are using the Hive-on-Tez engine, and you have changed the default tez-site.xml configuration, perform one of the following steps:
      • Copy the tez-site.xml file to the same location as your workflow.xml file:
        1. Remove the forbidden (forbidden for Oozie) property from tez-site.xml:
        2. Make sure that you update the value for tez.lib.uris property after removing the fs.defaultFS property. For example:
        3. Specify the tez-site.xml file in the job-xml parameter of your workflow.
      • Update <OOZIE_HOME>/conf/action-conf/hive.xml with the new tez-site.xml properties.
    4. Edit the workflow.xml file to include the following:
      1. Specify the hive-site.xml in the job-xml parameter.
      2. Specify the name of the script (for example, script.q) that contains the hive query in the script parameter.
      3. Optionally, add properties used by the Oozie launcher job. Add the prefix oozie.launcher to the property names.
      <workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.2" name="hive-wf">
          <start to="hive-node"/>  
          <action name="hive-node">
              <hive xmlns="uri:oozie:hive-action:0.2">
                      <delete path="${nameNode}/user/${wf:user()}/${examplesRoot}/output-data/hive"/>
                      <mkdir path="${nameNode}/user/${wf:user()}/${examplesRoot}/output-data"/>
                  <!- Add this property if you copied tez-site.xml to the same location as your workflow.xml file -->
              <ok to="end"/>
              <error to="fail"/>
          <kill name="fail">
              <message>Hive failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
          <end name="end"/>
    Configure a Hive Workflow with Connection to HiveServer2
    1. Copy the edited hive-site.xml file to the same location as your workflow.xml file.
    2. On a Kerberos secure cluster for Oozie 4.3.0, perform the following steps:
      1. Copy the hive-site.xml file to the ${OOZIE_HOME}/conf/action-conf/ directory.
      2. Rebuild the Oozie war file:
        -hadoop <version> /opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-<version>
    3. Edit the workflow.xml file to include the following:
      1. Specify the JDBC URL used by Beeline for connections to Hiveserver2 in the jdbc-url element. See Connecting to HiveServer2 for details.
      2. Specify the name of the script (for example, script.q) that contains the hive query in the script element.
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.5" name="hive2-wf">
            <start to="hive2-node"/>
            <action name="hive2-node">
                <hive2 xmlns="uri:oozie:hive2-action:0.1">
                        <delete path="${nameNode}/user/${wf:user()}/output-data/hive2"/>
                        <mkdir path="${nameNode}/user/${wf:user()}/output-data"/>
                <ok to="end"/>
                <error to="fail"/>
            <kill name="fail">
                <message>Hive2 (Beeline) action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
            <end name="end"/>