Configure a Secure HBase Sink

IMPORTANT This component is deprecated. Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends using an alternate product. Deprecated components are either in maintenance or have reached the end of their maintenance lifecycle. For more information, see Discontinued Ecosystem Components.

Configure Flume agents to use Kerberos when you want to write sinks to secure HBase.

  1. Create a keytab file called flume.keytab that contains a principal that matches the Kerberos identity of the user that will be running flume-ng. For example:
    # kadmin
    : addprinc -randkey username/<FQDN@REALM>
    : ktadd -k /opt/mapr/conf/flume.keytab username/<FQDN@REALM>

    The flume.keytab file must be owned and readable only by the mapr user.

  2. In the flume.conf file, configure the following properties:
    Property Value Description
    <agent>.sinks.<hbaseSink>.kerberosPrincipal username/FQDN@REALM.COM The Kerberos identity of the user running flume-ng.
    <agent>.sinks.<hbaseSink>.kerberosKeytab path_to_keytab The path to a valid keytab file (flume.keytab) for the user running flume-ng

For additional properties that you may want to configure, see the Apache Flume documentation.

NOTE Once Kerberos is enabled, the maprlogin ticket generation is performed implicitly.