Spark 2.2.1-2009 (EEP 5.0.5) Release Notes

This section provides reference information, including new features, patches, and known issues for Spark 2.2.1.

The notes below relate specifically to the MapR Distribution for Apache Hadoop. For more information, you may also wish to consult the open-source Spark 2.2.1 release notes.

These release notes contain only MapR-specific information and are not necessarily cumulative in nature. For information about how to use the release notes, see Ecosystem Component Release Notes.

Spark Version 2.2.1
Release Date September 2020
MapR Version Interoperability See Component Versions for Released EEPs and EEP Components and OS Support.
Source on GitHub
GitHub Release Tag 2.2.1-mapr-2009
Maven Artifacts
Package Names Navigate to and select your EEP and OS to view the list of package names.
  • Although Spark 2.2 can connect to Hive Metastore 2.1, Hive features added after Hive 1.2 are not supported by Spark.
  • Beginning in Spark 2.2.1 and EEP 5.0. Kafka-1.0.1 is using by Spark.
  • Spark Yarn and Standalone modes are only supported on clusters in MRv2 (YARN) mode. It is not supported on clusters in MRv1 (classic) mode.
  • MapR 6.0 and EEP 5.0 introduce "Simplified Security." If you are using these versions and enable security on your MapR cluster, MapR scripts automatically configure Spark security features.

Hive Support

This version of Spark supports integration with Hive, but has the following exceptions:

New in This Release


This MapR release includes the following new fixes since the latest MapR Spark release. For details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

GitHub Commit Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Comment
ee0107a 2020/02/25 MapR [SPARK-675] SSL truststore password should NOT be logged
aeeb51b 2020/03/10 MapR [SPARK-677] No TLS protocol logging for Spark thrift server & spark history server
510ab00 2020/03/23 MapR [SPARK-694] Duplicate py4j zip files in python/lib causing exceptions
5979337 2020/04/30 MapR [SPARK-704] Backporting netty update from SPARK-22324
692f67d 2020/08/20 MapR [SPARK-787] HCP usage should be turn off by default

Known Issues

  • None.

Resolved Issues

  • None.