Hive - 2305 (EEP 8.1.1) Release Notes

The notes below relate specifically to the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Distribution for Apache Hive. You may also be interested in the Apache Hive-2.3.9 Release Notes and the Apache Hive homepage.
Hive Version
Release Date May 2023
HPE Version Interoperability See Hive and HCatalog Support Matrix and Ecosystem Support Matrix and EEP Components and OS Support.
Source on GitHub
GitHub Release Tag
Maven Artifacts
Package Names Navigate to, and select your MEP and OS to view the list of package names.
Hive 2.3.9 works with the following HPE Hive drivers:

For additional driver information, see Connecting to HiveServer2.

Feature support

The following list describes support of various components and functionality with Hive - 2305:

  • Supports Hive-2.3.9 on Tez-0.9.2 For more information, see Tez - 2305 (EEP 8.1.1) Release Notes.

  • Does not support Hive on Spark. You cannot use Spark as a query engine for Hive. However, you can run Hive and Spark on the same cluster. You can also use Spark SQL and Drill to query Hive tables.

  • Does not support HDFS encryption in Hive tables.

  • Does not support LLAP with Hive-2.3.9 because Apache Slider is not an HPE supported ecosystem component.

  • Starting from Hive 2.1, Hive must run the schematool command as an initialization step.

Changes in default security configuration

The following list describes changes in default security for Hive - 2305:
  • None.


This HPE release includes the following fixes on the base release:
GitHub Commit Number Data (YYYY-MM-DD) HPE Fix Number and Description
294ab7f74b 2023-01-25 EEP-HIVE-1159: Hive/Tez script must not restart RM or TLS
f72b9ce47e 2023-03-17 EEP-HIVE-1365: Beeline sessions hang when closing a session
718232149f 2022-12-23 EEP-HIVE-1341: Add a path to a corrupted RCfile file in the exception
2286ed5f81 2022-10-25 EEP-HIVE-1392: Hive-Hbase issue. Unable insert to to table: NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/hbase/shaded/com/google/common/base/Objects [MEP-811]
c5ccd72476 2023-05-02 EEP-HIVE-1390: update protobuf to 2.13.12
9a4b80bb4d 2023-05-02 EEP-HIVE-1389: update jackson to 1.9.14-atlassian-6
7358eb9858 2023-05-02 EEP-HIVE-1388: update guava to 31.1-jre
4b14e93dd8 2023-04-24 EEP-HIVE-1381: Update jetty to 9.4.51.v20230217
f6708835fa 2022-09-05 EEP-HIVE-1096: Update Orc to 1.6.11
8759bef549 2023-04-12 HIVE-1364: Failed to launch Hive WebHCat job. for zookeeper jar.
90437c77c0 2023-02-13 EEP-HIVE-1355: Hive queries when accessing directories with symlinks
6450590865 2022-12-07 EEP-HIVE-1340: Update protobuf-java version to 3.21.9
a5da9ea40e 2022-10-16 EEP-HIVE-1327 : CVE-2022-36364 vulnerability in Calcite Avatica
509e227f91 2022-09-07 EEP-HIVE-1301: CVE-2022-34169 vulnerability in Xalan
eea8309c8d 2022-08-19 EEP-HIVE-1289: CVE-2021-29425 - commons-io CVE
e6f4cde35e 2022-08-19 EEP-HIVE-1258 : takes few minutes to configure hive
95c8d82dc4 2020-02-24 HIVE-22898: CharsetDecoder race condition in OrcRecordUpdater (Antal Sinkovits via Peter Vary)
138dc5058e 2022-07-03 EEP-HIVE-956 : HS2 idle TCP session not getting terminated and hitting hive.server2.thrift.max.worker.threads limit
8bcb10b345 2022-05-28 HIVE-21685 : Wrong simplification in query with multiple IN clauses
48825e2354 2022-02-04 EEP-HIVE-1158 : JMX SSL options always false for MEP7+ releases
17d5404820 2017-09-29 HIVE-17639 : don't reuse planner context when re-parsing the query (Sergey Shelukhin, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan)
1347697517 2017-09-08 HIVE-17419: ANALYZE TABLE...COMPUTE STATISTICS FOR COLUMNS command shows computed stats for masked tables (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan)
ae8bc161e7 2018-07-11 HIVE-20102: Add a couple of additional tests for query parsing (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan)
2f9fdecc96 2022-05-15 EEP-HIVE-1194 : Queries on EEP-8.0.0 take 2 times more time than on EEP-6.3.x
4801f4a431 2022-04-27 EEP-HIVE-1189 : Hive error with ODBC - group id of the user is too big. Use STAR or POSIX extensions to overcome this limit
4c29ab4e19 2022-04-26 HIVE-20786 - Maven Build Failed with group id is too big (Szehon, reviewed by Vihang)
7862c3f137 2022-04-24 EEP-HIVE-1186 : Add hadoop-yarn-registry as dependency to LLAP server
1fcab71644 2022-04-16 EEP-HIVE-1182 : Remove redundant logging in CLI
216ee7c771 2022-04-06 EEP-HIVE-1179: HIVE queries fail rangers row filtering
65253b3ac0 2022-03-09 EEP-HIVE-1174 : Update vulnerable jars based on CVEs Inquiry from customer
c661bd8437 2022-04-08 EEP-HIVE-1180 : Update the Ojai public maven repo version to the latest version
6bf0f3346f 2022-04-07 EEP-HIVE-1176 : Fix log4j v1 and log4j v2 CVE issues at Hive
a783ba4720 2022-03-17 EEP-HIVE-1175 : Hive In Silent Mode is still Spitting WARNS
bd334abdb6 2022-02-09 HIVE-25631: Initiator speed-up: only read compaction history once per loop (Denys Kuzmenko, reviewed by Karen Coppage)

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Some parquet files created by Spark are not usable by Hive. For Spark to generate a fully compatible parquet for Hive, you must enable the following compatability option prior to parquet files creation:
    See the full option definition in the Spark documentation.

    If you have already created incompatible parquet files, you must regenerate the files after enabling the compatibility option.

Resolved Issues

  • None.