Configuring the Data Fabric Client User on Windows

Before you use the Windows Client, configure it with information from your cluster.

About this task

Before running applications on the Windows Client, configure the core-site.xml file with the UID, GID, and user name of the cluster user that will be used to access the non-secure cluster.
NOTE If you are on a secure cluster, this configuration is not needed because on secure clusters, the username is available through the ticket.

Complete the following steps:


  1. Obtain the UID and GID that has been set up for your user account. To determine the correct UID and GID values for your username, log into a cluster node and type the id command. In the following example, the UID is 1000 and the GID is 2000:
    $ id
    uid=1000(juser) gid=2000(juser) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),105(lpadmin),119(admin),122(sambashare),2000(juser)
  2. Add the following parameters to the core-site.xml files that correspond to the version of the hadoop commands that you plan to run:
      <value>{id of user who has UID}</value>
    WARNING You must use the numeric values for UID and GID, not the text names.
    NOTE When wire-level security is implemented on Windows, spoofing is not supported. This greatly increases the security of the cluster, but the core-site.xml file settings above then have no effect.
    For MapReduce version 2 or other applications that run on YARN, the core-site.xml file(s) that you need to edit is located at: %MAPR_HOME%\hadoop\hadoop-2.x.x\etc\hadoop\core-site.xml.