Filtering GET Operation Results Example

This example shows filtering on the results of a GET operation.

    bytebuffer rowKey = bytebuffer_strcpy("row_with_two_cells");
    hb_get_t get = NULL;
    hb_get_create(rowKey->buffer, rowKey->length, &get);
    hb_get_add_column(get, FAMILIES[0], 1, NULL, 0);
    hb_get_add_column(get, FAMILIES[1], 1, NULL, 0);
    hb_get_set_table(get, table_name, table_name_len);
    hb_get_set_num_versions(get, 10); // up to ten versions of each column
    hb_get_set_filter(get, (byte_t *)filters[9], strlen(filters[9]));
    get_done = false;
    hb_get_send(client, get, get_callback, rowKey);

This example uses the following array of filters:

static char filters[][200] = {"RandomRowFilter(0.5)",
       "PrefixFilter('row_') AND QualifierFilter(<,'binaryprefix:g')",
       "SKIP TimestampsFilter(1392222222222)",
       "WHILE ValueFilter(=,'binaryprefix:cell2_value_v1')",
NOTE For more information about suppport for HBase Java Filters by the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database C API, see HBase Java Filters Support