Kafka Streams - 2110 (EEP 8.0.0) Release Notes

The notes below relate specifically to the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Distribution for Apache Kafka. See Apache Kafka 2.6.1 release notes or the Apache Kafka Streams homepage for more information.
Release Date October 2021
HPE Version Interoperability See EEP Components and OS Support.
Source on GitHub https://github.com/mapr/kafka
GitHub Release Tag
Maven Artifacts https://repository.mapr.com/maven/
Package Names See Package Names for Ezmeral Ecosystem Packs (EEPs).

New in This Release

Kafka Streams - 2110 introduces the following enhancements or HPE platform-specific behavior changes:
  • Kafka-664: When a Consumer application (in HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Event Data Streams) calls consumer.poll(), the Consumer does not read any data from the topic if the timeout (request.timeout.ms) is set to 0. In previous releases, Consumers read one message.
If you plan to upgrade from Kafka 2.1.1 to 2.6.1, you may want to review Changes in Kafka 2.6.1.


This HPE release includes the following fixes on the base release:
GitHub Commit Number



MapR Fix Number and Description
360bf7ab, b0507115 2021-10-11 KAFKA-783 Add log4j properties for MM2.
c9a89245 2021-10-06 KAFKA-781 Avoid overwriting task user name.
e3f52c9394 2021-09-25 KAFKA-770 Configuration topic which stores offsets should store the topics' names without Mapr Stream name.
69565a337e 2021-09-23 KAFKA-761 Seek to beginning of Mapr partitions before reading logs from configuration's topics.
343c082fbc 2021-09-16 KAFKA-762 NPE while starting kafka-connect service on core 7.0.0
ba61df9ded 2021-07-17 KAFKA-654 Make MirrorMaker 2 fully functional with Mapr Streams
bd0c93efd2 2021-09-08 KAFKA-757 mapr-security-web jar should be taken from the cluster
6ad6204cdf 2021-09-05 KAFKA-758 Update the maven artifact version strings to eep
20f177c8fb 2021-09-01 KAFKA-752 KafkaConsumer.pause() throws NoSuchElementException
cc0c8eaf13 2021-08-25 KAFKA-751 Protobuf and JsonSchema formats were added to Schema Registry 6.0.0
290bf71f61 2021-08-19 KAFKA-746 Remove workaround implemented due to the difference in work of poll(0) between Mapr and Apache Kafka.
32cfddfd2a 2021-08-18 KAFKA-725 Update hadoop dependency
9910062bb7 2021-08-17 KAFKA-745 Update Jackson dependencies
61e6625b43 2021-08-13 KAFKA-686 Service verifier was added to Kafka Connect
ecc67384f7 2021-08-10 KAFKA-680 Jetty CVE for kafka components
8fb65fa77b 2021-07-08 KAFKA-724 Avoid appearing NPE when using MirrorMaker
ca2adcf2d9 2021-07-02 KAFKA-654 The value of property AUTO_COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG has Long type
e326b73eb2 2021-05-25 KAFKA-714 mapr-streams dependency was replaced with kafka-eventstreams
29e9fe9f14 2021-05-24 KAFKA-715 Hadoop dependency was updated to
e6a7e80417 2021-03-03 KAFKA-681 Avoid appearing NPE when using MirrorMaker
00b0b4b438 2021-02-24 KAFKA-679 Hadoop version was changed to
b02d49328f 2021-02-23 KAFKA-676 Workaround for not implemented method MarlinAdminClientImpl.describeConfigs
939b524487 2021-02-19 KAFKA-650 Kafka connect JDBC code base was upgraded to version 10.0.1
6dff118ef9 2021-02-15 KAFKA-649 Kafka connect code base was upgraded to version 10.0.0
18c41383c0 2021-02-11 KAFKA-670 Avoid potential use of Apache methods in Mapr Kafka 2.6
210c161329 2021-01-14 KAFKA-660 TaskManager should be inited before adding records to tasks.
c2898ea40c 2021-01-21 KAFKA-666 Synchronized blocks with monitor object 'taskmanager' were removed.
0882ab8b3a 2021-01-12 KAFKA-662 InternalStreamCompacted attribute was removed from StoreChangelogReader
5bd960288c 2021-01-05 KAFKA-659 Avoid appearing NullPointerException
For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Transactions are not supported.

  • Pattern subscription is not supported.

  • The application reset tool hangs if it runs when the Kafka Streams application is running.

  • The application reset tool may throw a Null Pointer Exception when the date or duration parameter is used.

  • The application reset tool does not reset to intermediate offset if the topic has multiple partitions.

  • MAPR-KAFKA-581: Stream hangs in rebalancing state. The workaround is to set a larger timeout. This issue is caused by MS-915: “MapR Stream application hangs inside cycle”

Resolved Issues

  • None.