Hive 2.3.6-2009 (EEP 6.3.1) Release Notes

This section provides reference information, including new features, fixes, known issues, and limitations for Hive 2.3.6-2009 in EEP 6.3.1.

Below are release notes for the Hive component included in the MapR Converged Data Platform. You may also be interested in the Apache Hive homepage and the following Apache Hive release notes:

These release notes contain MapR-specific information only and are not necessarily cumulative in nature. For information about how to use the release notes, see Ecosystem Component Release Notes.

Hive Version 2.3.6
Release Date September 2020
MapR Version Interoperability See EEP Components and OS Support.
Source on GitHub
GitHub Release Tag 2.3.6-mapr-2009
Maven Artifacts See Maven Artifacts for the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric.
Package Names Navigate to, and select your EEP and OS to view the list of package names.
ODBC / JDBC Drivers Hive 2.3.6 works with the following MapR Hive ODBC drivers:For additional driver information, see Connecting to HiveServer2.

Feature Support

  • MapR supports Hive-2.3.6 on Tez-0.9.1 For more information, see Tez 0.9.1-2009 (MEP 6.3.1) Release Notes.
  • Hive on Spark is not supported; you cannot use Spark as an execution engine for Hive. However, you can run Hive and Spark on the same cluster. You can also use Spark SQL and Drill to query Hive tables.
  • HDFS encryption is not supported in Hive tables.
  • LLAP is not supported with Hive-2.3.6, as Apache Slider is not a supported ecosystem component.
  • In Hive 2.1 and later, Hive must run the schematool command as an initialization step.
  • In EEPs 6.3.1 and 7.0.0, the default protocol version for TLS (SSL) is TLSv1.2, but you can modify the protocol version. For more information, see Configure the TLS (SSL) Protocol Version in Hive.

Default Security Configuration Change

By default, the hive-site.xml file now contains the following property on secured clusters:
Property Default Value
This property is added to hive-site.xml during Hive updates (no version change) and upgrades (with version change).

New Features

  • None.

Known Issues

Some SELECT queries can be converted to a single FETCH task to minimize latency. Currently, a query should be single sourced, without a subquery, and should not have any aggregations or distincts (which incurs RS), lateral views, or joins:

  • none: disable hive.fetch.task.conversion
  • minimal: SELECT *, filter on partition columns, LIMIT only
  • more: SELECT, filter, LIMIT only (support TABLESAMPLE and virtual columns)
  • HIVE-19502 - Unable to insert values into table stored by JdbcStorageHandler
  • HIVE-19286 - NPE in MERGE operator on MR mode


This release by MapR includes the following fixes on the base Apache release. For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

Commit Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Comment
3ba69c4 2020-08-28 MAPR-HIVE-741: Exclude org.mortbay.jetty from maven dependencies (Part 2)
018ef4b 2020-08-26 MAPR-HIVE-813 : Update mapr.core.version to 6.1.0-mapr
f4e3caa 2020-07-15 MAPR-HIVE-753 : Can't find com.sun.common.util.logging.LogStrings bundle
d214837 2020-08-16 MAPR-HIVE-741: Exclude org.mortbay.jetty from maven dependenices
51b1a49 2020-08-01 MAPR-HIVE-795 : Hive script /serviceCheckScript.sql has world writable permissions
b69b888 2020-07-30 MAPR-HIVE-762 : Select from MapRDB JSON table with >= AND NOT LIKE returns empty result
a190732 2020-07-30 MAPR-HIVE-782 : Failed to start Hive services due to Password file not found: jmxremote.password [non-secure cluster]
aa51497 2020-07-16 MAPR-HIVE-709 : Too verbose MapRDBSerDe
f487a46 2020-07-08 MAPR-HIVE-783 : Exclude slf4j-log4j12 from mapr-encryption tool
ffa0c77 2020-07-01 MAPR-HIVE-779 : Update pig version to 0.16.0-mapr-SNAPSHOT
7778bbb 2020-06-30 MAPR-HIVE-749 : Hive queries on tables with hdfs URI Scheme failing in compilation phase in 2.3
95303ba 2020-05-22 MAPR-HIVE-687 : Hiveserver2 Java JMX Server Insecure Configuration Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
6887cc7 2020-05-12 MAPR-HIVE-730 : Update MapR Maven repository URL to use https
7c5f9c1 2020-05-12 MAPR-HIVE-729 : Fix setMetaStorePreEventListenerCustomNotRemoveProperty(org.apache.hive.conftool.ConfToolTest)
7adc138 2020-05-07 MAPR-HIVE-725 : Avatica's unshaded Jackson (2.6) conflicts with Jackson 2.7+ through hive-exec dependency
79b7a0f 2020-04-28 MAPR-HIVE-708 : Update thrift to ver 0.13.0 or most feasible newer version
333b60e 2020-04-28 MAPR-HIVE-705 : Update jasper-compiler to most feasible version with fix
b60006c 2020-04-27 MAPR-HIVE-704 : Update scala-compiler to ver 2.11.12/ 2.12.4 or most feasible newer version
ba2deb1 2020-04-27 MAPR-HIVE-701 : CVE-2017-18640: snakeyaml vulnerability at Hive
1a6aced 2020-04-27 MAPR-HIVE-700 : CVE-2014-0114: Vulnerability with commons-beanutils
9a711e1 2020-04-27 MAPR-HIVE-703 : Update plexus-utils to ver 3.0.16 or most feasible upper version
17a92cd 2020-04-26 MAPR-HIVE-706 : Update derby to ver or most feasible newer/older version
0868725 2020-04-26 MAPR-HIVE-699 : Fix io.netty vulnerability
2aed86c 2020-04-26 MAPR-HIVE-698 : Fix org.codehaus.jackson vulnerability
df50071 2020-04-14 MAPR-HIVE-589 Hive jobs fail with "Unable to rename output"
b222d1a 2020-04-23 MAPR-HIVE-719 : Configure Hive-2.3 MEP-6.3.1 to build from branch-2.3.6-mapr
6dd4643 2020-04-18 MAPR-HIVE-712 : Move Hive-2.3.6 MEP-7.x to two digit versioning in package name
8491cb9 2020-03-23 MAPR-HIVE-690 : Enable SSL protocol version TLSv1.2 as default
e8ee9eb 2020-03-16 MAPR-HIVE-561: Add hive logging
8b0a614 2020-03-05 MAPR-HIVE-685: Enable AuthorizationPreEventListener in hive-site.xml for Security-By-Default
0176bad 2020-02-24 MAPR-HIVE-683 : Add JUnit test for StorageBasedAuthorizationProvider and update of hive.metastore.warehouse.dir
9d814cf 2020-02-20 MAPR-HIVE-681 : StorageBasedAuthorizationProvider does not allow create databases after changing hive.metastore.warehouse.dir
6724858 2020-02-17 MAPR-HIVE-674: Failed to launch Hive WebHCat job zookeeper-3.4.11-mapr-1808.jar does not exist.
04b6072 2020-01-28 MAPR-HIVE-660 : Create root scratch dir with 733 instead of 777 perms [HIVE-8143] (Part II)
a0bfa31 2020-01-14 MAPR-HIVE-615: Add Junit tests for MapR Db Json optimization when projection push down is used
d53a0ed 2020-01-13 MAPR-HIVE-660 : Create root scratch dir with 733 instead of 777 perms [HIVE-8143]
62e55cf 2020-01-15 MAPR-HIVE-572 : Evaluate impact of Protobuf upgrade for 6.2 to Protobuf 3.5 or higher on Hive
94736a6 2020-01-08 MAPR-HIVE-656: Hive on Tez : Job of merging small files will be submitted into another queue (default queue)
741e989 2019-12-06 MAPR-HIVE-652: SQL Standard Based Authorization does not allow to create a function over HiveServer2 even to Admin user

This release also includes the following back-ported issues. For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

Commit Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Comment
64ebdfb 2020-08-29 HIVE-10296: Cast exception observed when hive runs a multi join query on metastore (postgres), since postgres pushes the filter into the join, and ignores the condition before applying cast (Karthik Manamcheri, reviewed by Sergey Shelukhin)
caebf8e 2020-07-13 HIVE-18699: Check for duplicate partitions in HiveMetastore.exchange_partitions (Marta Kuczora, reviewed by Adam Szita, Peter Vary)
b5b4cda 2020-07-13 HIVE-19700: Workaround for JLine issue with UnsupportedTerminal (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Yongzhi Chen)
f58ae04 2020-06-11 HIVE-19433: HiveJoinPushTransitivePredicatesRule hangs (Vineet Garg,reviewed by Jesus Camacho Rodriguez)
df0aa3c 2020-06-10 HIVE-19799: remove jasper dependency (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Thejas M Nair)
4b9b258 2020-06-03 HIVE-16911: Upgrade groovy version to 2.4.11 (Aihua Xu, reviewed by Yongzhi Chen)
894033a 2020-05-18 HIVE-14069 : update curator version to 2.12.0 (Jason Dere via Ashutosh Chauhan)
bf12c85 2020-05-18 HIVE-15708 : Upgrade calcite version to 1.12 (Remus Rusanu via Ashutosh Chauhan)
9ddd43e 2020-05-18 HIVE-18586: Upgrade Derby to (Janaki Lahorani, reviewed by Aihua Xu)
44eadc7 2020-05-18 HIVE-23073 : Shade netty and upgrade to netty 4.1.48.Final (Laszlo Bodor via Ashutosh Chauhan)
576c802 2020-05-18 HIVE-18436: Upgrade to Spark 2.3.0 (Sahil Takiar, reviewed by Rui Li)
d7f384d 2020-05-11 HIVE-18433: Upgrade version of com.fasterxml.jackson (Janaki Lahorani, reviewed by Aihua Xu)
71ea54a 2020-04-14 HIVE-16839 : Unbalanced calls to openTransaction/commitTransaction when alter the same partition concurrently (Guang Yang, reviewed by Karthik Manamcheri and Vihang Karajgaonkar)
9bc66b7 2020-04-14 HIVE-19199: ACID: DbTxnManager heartbeat-service needs static sync init (Gopal V, reviewed by Eugene Koifman)
a7a0efa 2020-02-05 HIVE-7089 : StorageBasedAuthorizationProvider fails to allow non-admin users to create databases in writable directories
ce28628 2020-01-17 HIVE-11741: Add a new hook to run before query parse/compile
8c8322c 2020-01-17 HIVE-22151 : Turn off hybrid grace hash join by default (Ashutosh Chauhan via Vineet Garg)