Hive 2.1-1703 Release Notes

Below are release notes for the Hive component included in the MapR Converged Data Platform. You may also be interested in the Apache Hive 2.1.1 Release Notes or the Apache Hive homepage.

Hive Version 2.1
Release Date April 2017
MapR Version Interoperability See Hive and HCatalog Support Matrix and Ecosystem Support Matrix (Pre-5.2 releases)
Source on GitHub
Maven Artifacts See Maven Artifacts for the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric.
Package Names See Package Names for Ezmeral Ecosystem Packs (EEPs)
API for this Version See Hive 2.1 API

New in This Release

This version of Hive includes the following:

  • Hive Hybrid Procedural SQL On Hadoop (HPL/SQL)

    Hive Hybrid Procedural SQL On Hadoop (HPL/SQL), which is available in Hive 2.1, is a tool that implements procedural SQL for Hive.

    HPL/SQL is an open source tool that implements procedural SQL language for Apache Hive, SparkSQL, Impala, as well as any other SQL-on-Hadoop implementation, any NoSQL, and any RDBMS.

    HPL/SQL is a hybrid and heterogeneous language that understands syntaxes and semantics of almost any existing procedural SQL dialect, and you can use with any database (for example, running existing Oracle PL/SQL code on Apache Hive and Microsoft SQL Server, or running Transact-SQL on Oracle, Cloudera Impala, or Amazon Redshift).

    NOTE Create the hplsql-site.xml file to configure HPL/SQL feature. See for more information.
  • Dynamically partitioned hash join for Tez.
  • Support for aggregate push down through joins.
  • DBTokenStore support to HS2 delegation token.
  • Hive View Column Authorization.
  • UDF substring_index

    Returns the substring from string str before count occurrences of the delimiter.

  • Quarter UDF

    The quarter from a string / date / timestamp returned by the QUARTER(date) function may be useful for different domains like retail, finance etc.

  • Support for limited integer type promotion in ORC.
  • ORC file dump in JSON format

    ORC file dump uses custom format. Will be useful to dump ORC metadata in json format so that other tools can be built on top it.

  • UDF aes_encrypt and aes_decrypt with AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm.

    Oracle JRE supports AES-128 out of the box AES-192 and AES-256 are supported if Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files are installed.

  • Possibility for Hive Parser to support multi col in clause (x,y..) in ((..),..., ()).
  • Support of special characters in quoted table names.
  • Support for "show create database".
  • Support escaping carriage return and new line for LazySimpleSerDe.
  • Banker's rounding BROUND UDF

    With banker's rounding, the value is rounded to the nearest even number. Also known as "Gaussian rounding", and, in German, "mathematische Rundung".

  • Command to kill an ACID transaction.

    This cleans up all state related to this transaction. The initiator of this (if still alive) will get an error trying to heartbeat/commit and will become aware that the transaction failed.

  • Support for modifying the numRows and dataSize for a table/partition.
  • Support vectorizing when the input format is TEXTFILE and other formats for better Map Vertex performance.

    The NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST options can be used to determine whether nulls appear before or after non-null data values when the ORDER BY clause is used.

  • Supports aggregate functions in over clause.


This release by MapR includes the following fixes on the base Apache release. For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

Commit Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Comment
3b83fea 2017-01-22 MAPR-26541: The variable $BASEMAPR will now be initialized by $HOME_MAPR from parent pid and if it cannot be defined, will be set to /opt/mapr by default.
6ff94bc 2017-02-28 MAPR-25720: When restarting HS2, the issue that caused Session manager to delete operation_logs folder a second time after a huge delay is now fixed.
e8a6f79 2017-02-23 MAPR-26193: The issue that caused the "Permission Denied" message when launching a hive shell is now fixed.
f69e9ee 2017-02-17 MAPR-25698: The missing file is now included with Hive and the log4j2.disable.jmx property value is set to false by default to fix the AccessControlExceptionImport error when importing from MySQL to Hive.
7d3b630 2017-02-07 MAPR-26169: The issue that caused the FileNotFoundException when there was no file with localPath (for example, no reduce work) is now fixed.
8d40378 2017-02-07 MAPR-25952: When starting Hive, the issue that caused the message about absence of hbase is now fixed.
7afb69c 2017-01-30 MAPR-25938: The conflicts in the versions of included Sentry libraries which caused insert queries to fail with exception is now fixed.
13f2e20 2017-01-25 MAPR-25880: The missing HiveOperation field is now included in HiveSemanticAnalyzerHookContext to allow StateStore to acces the current HiveOperation.
e1f5878 2017-01-26 MAPR-25822: The issue that caused INSERT INTO 'table' VALUES command to overwrite previously inserted data is now fixed.

Known Issues and Limitations

Known Issues

Sqoop import to Hive as parquet file fails when the entire cluster is configured to use Tez.
This is because of sqoop's incompatibility with Tez.

Workaround: Do not configure the entire cluster to use Tez.

Percentage sampling is not supported in

Hive uses by default and so queries like 'SELECT * FROM tablename TABLESAMPLE(20 percent);' will not work for Hive on Tez.

Workaround: Instead of, use

To change input format, do one of the following:

  • Set hive.tez.input.format in hive shell. For example:
    hive> set;
  • Add to hive-site.xml file. For example:


  • MapR does not support Hive on Spark. Therefore, you cannot use Spark as an execution engine for Hive. However, you can run Hive and Spark on the same cluster. You can also use Spark SQL and Drill to query Hive tables.
  • MapR does not support HDFS encryption in Hive tables.
  • MapR does not support Hbase-0.9X with Hive-2.1.1. Only Hbase-1.X is compatible with Hive-2.1.1.
  • MapR does not support LLAP with Hive-2.1.1 since Apache Slider is not in the MapR ecosystem
  • MapR does not support Apache Knox and Apache Ranger. HiveServer2 HTTP mode is not available with X-Forwarded-Host header for authorization/audits.
  • MapR does not support masking and filtering of rows/columns since Apache Ranger is not in the MapR ecosystem.

Resolved Issues
