Hive 1.2.1-1607 Release Notes

Below are release notes for the Hive component included in the MapR Converged Data Platform. You may also be interested in the Apache Hive 1.2.1 changelog or the Apache Hive homepage.

Hive Version 1.2.1
Release Date July 29, 2016
MapR Version Interoperability See Hive and HCatalog Support Matrix and Ecosystem Support Matrix
Source on GitHub
Maven Artifacts
Package Names The following packages are associated with this release:
  • mapr-hive-1.2.201607240717-1.noarch.rpm
  • mapr-hive_1.2.201607240717_all.deb
  • mapr-hivemetastore-1.2.201607240717-1.noarch.rpm
  • mapr-hivemetastore_1.2.201607240717_all.deb
  • mapr-hiveserver2-1.2.201607240717-1.noarch.rpm
  • mapr-hiveserver2_1.2.201607240717_all.deb
  • mapr-hivewebhcat-1.2.201607240717-1.noarch.rpm
  • mapr-hivewebhcat_1.2.201607240717_all.deb

Feature Support

MapR does not support Hive on Spark. Therefore, you cannot use Spark as an execution engine for Hive. However, you can run Hive and Spark on the same cluster. You can also use Spark SQL and Drill to query Hive tables.


This release by MapR includes the following fixes on the base Apache release. For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

Commit Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Comment
12e7cce 2016-07-22 MAPR- 24026/HIVE-11817: A query with OVER statement will no longer fail when table contains null values.
b77136e 2016-07-13 MAPR-23970: When running a query, checks are now included to determine if current filesystem is non-local before running getScratchDir() method, which assumes the filesystem is not local.
c1175423 2016-06-06 MAPR-23560: Symbolic links to the PID files to track memory utilization of HiveServer2 and HiveMetaStore processes are now available in /opt/mapr/pid.
70a5bcc 2016-06-02 HIVE-11498: HIVE authorization will skip (and no longer check) permissions for dummy entities.
0304149f 2016-05-20 MAPR-22357: The issue causing -1 to be returned is now fixed:
  • The property, hive.rpc.query.plan in hive-site.xml file, can be set to true to specify whether to send the query plan via local resource or RPC.
  • The parameter, hive.kryo.buffer.size in hive-site.xml file, can be used to control Kryo buffer size. The default value for Kryo buffer size is now 10 * 4096.

The following issues were backported from Apache Hive-1.2.2. You may also refer to the Apache Hive 1.2.2 Release Notes.

Commit Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Comment
c6d08f102b 2016-05-19 HIVE-9013: When auth is enabled, the set command will no longer expose the DB metastore password.
0544a99b2 2016-05-19 HOVE-10308: The issue that caused the java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when vectorization was executed has been fixed.
161b711c 2016-05-18 HIVE-11151: The calcite rule will no longer add is not null filters on constants.
923163f9 2016-05-18 HIVE-11171: The issue that caused the join reordering algorithm to introduce projects between joints, which did not trigger the multijoin optimization in SemanticAnalyzer, has been fixed.
f96969f8c 2016-05-18 HIVE-11216: The issue that caused UDF GenericUDFMapKeys to throw NPE when a null map value was passed in has been fixed.
a5889f7 2016-05-18 HIVE-11224: The issue that caused AggregateStatsCache to trigger java.util.ConcurrentModificationException has been fixed.
90cd1f42ad 2016-05-18 HIVE-11301: The issue in thrift metastore that resulted in disconnecting when getting stats has been fixed.
c6a8f75fc1 2016-05-18 HIUVE-11344: The issue that made PartInfo object unusable if HCatSplit.write was called has been fixed.
a8ed673a 2016-05-18 HIVE-11470: The issue that caused DynamicPartFileRecordWriterContainer to throw a NullPointerException when fetching a local file-writer instance with null part-keys has been fixed.
90a3d4c3c 2016-05-18 HIVE11606: The issue that caused bucket map joins to produce incorrect results in case of container reuse has been fixed.
08b07ca2d 2016-05-18 HIVE-11745: The issue that caused alter table exchange partition with multiple partitions to not work has been fixed.
1efbb81f9c 2016-05-18 HOVE-12021: The issue that caused HivePreFilteringRule to introduce incorrect common operands has been fixed.
87f2d1b0 2016-05-18 HIVE-12083: The issue that caused an empty AggrStats object to be returned if partNames or colNames were empty has been fixed.
135871325 2016-05-18 HIVE-12344: The issue that caused projectNonColummnEquiConditions method in HiveCalciteUtil to assign the wrong type for newly created conditions has been fixed.
6bfa219 2016-05-18 HIVE-12345: The issue that caused hidden configuration variables to be visible through beeline when connecting to HS2 has been fixed.
d95345809 2016-05-18 HIVE-12937: The issue that caused users of DbNotificationListener to have a large number of old notification events that were not deleted has been fixed.
492afa2778 2016-05-18 HIVE-13115: The issue that caused MetaStore Direct SQL getPartitions() method to throw an exception when the column schemas for a partition were null has been fixed.
a77035ef 2016-05-18 HIVE-10996: The issue that caused multi-join inner query to produce incorrect results has been fixed.
39e4a9ea5 2016-05-18 HIVE-11172: The issue that caused vectorization to return wrong results for an aggregate query with a where clause and without a group by has been fixed.
04844ad38 2016-05-18 HIVE-11517: The issue that caused query on a Q file (that uses ORC with vectorization enabled) to produce incorrect results has been fixed.
373ba93f 2016-05-18 HIVE-11605: The issue that caused incorrect results when converting to a bucket map join has been fixed.
2336c38b6 2016-05-18 HIVE-11988: Users who do not have permission to create table in hive can no longer import data for a table.
2489ffec 2016-05-18 HIVE-12437: The issue that caused SMB join in Tez to fail when one of the tables was empty has been fixed.
bfa62787 2016-05-18 HIVE-12947: The issue that caused SMB join to fail when reconnecting, during container re-use, the (already connected) work items has been fixed.
4abf5672 2016-05-18 HIVE-12981: ThriftCLIService will no longer use getShortName(), which assumes a short name is always the part before "@" and "/", as it is no longer compatible.