Drill (EEP 7.0.0) Release Notes

This section provides reference information, including new features, fixes, known issues, and limitations for Drill in EEP 7.0.0.

Below are release notes for the Drill component included in the MapR Converged Data Platform. You may also be interested in the Apache Drill homepage and the Apache Drill release notes:

Release Date September 2020
MapR Version Interoperability See Component Versions for Released EEPs.
Package Names Navigate to https://package.ezmeral.hpe.com/releases/MEP/, and select your MEP and OS to view the list of package names.

Feature Support

  • None.

New Features

  • None.

Resolved Issues

Drill provides the following resolved issues and improvements:
Commit Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Comment
dade023 2020-03-24 DRILL-7405: Avoiding download of TPC-H data
5f44f00 2020-06-22 DRILL-7750: Drill fails to read KeyStore password from Credential provider
065ac75 2020-06-18 DRILL-7749: Drill-on-Yarn Application Master UI is broken due to bootstrap update
28d3f4c 2020-04-30 DRILL-7705: Updated jQuery and Bootstrap libraries
11fa657 2020-04-21 DRILL-7713: Upgrade misc libraries which outdated versions have reported vulnerabilities
a28c844 2020-04-17 DRILL-7704: Update Maven to 3.6.3
dff80b1 2020-04-16 DRILL-7702: Update shaded guava
ab18420 2020-04-16 DRILL-7702: Update ZooKeeper and Curator, exclude org.codehaus.jackson
8479c37 2020-04-16 DRILL-7702: Update httpclient, libthrift, httpdlog-parser, jetty, derby, exclude and ban log4j, jasper-runtime, commons-httpclient
302fc35 2020-04-16 Revert "DRILL-7189: Revert DRILL-7105 Error while building the Drill native client"
59856bc 2020-04-16 DRILL-7693: Updated protobuf version to 3.11.1
abfc879 2020-04-14 DRILL-7294: Prevent generating java beans using protostuff to avoid overriding classes with the same simple name declared as nested in the proto files
bb4069e 2020-04-14 Revert "DRILL-7188: Revert DRILL-6642: Update protocol-buffers version"
892d164 2020-03-24 DRILL-7650: Add option to enable Jetty's dump for troubleshooting
493e65e 2020-03-19 DRILL-7351: Added tokens to Web forms to prevent CSRF attacks
97c1d22 2020-03-18 DRILL-7644: Log SSL protocol version at Drill start up
3b0c61f 2020-03-18 DRILL-7626: Add ability to set HTTP response headers
f46e0c9 2020-03-13 DRILL-7637: Add an option to retrieve MapR SSL truststore/keystore credentials using MapR Web Security Manager
d0daa60 2020-03-13 DRILL-7367: Remove Server details from response headers
Drill also includes the following resolved issues and improvements:
MapR Tracking Number Description
MD-6051 Drill Build is failing on CentOS 8 while Building "libdrillClient.so"
MD-6048 DRILL-7774: NPE during planning phase of query in
MD-6043 Create get-jars-list.sh script to be used by mapr-config.sh (CORE-221)
MD-6037 Cleanup `GuavaPatcher`'s warning messages in log
MD-6036 Drill logging system is broken after the latest build
MD-6035 Drill logging system is broken after the latest build
MD-6034 Janino compiler 3.0.8 causing drill query throwing exception org.codehaus.commons.compiler.CompileException
MD-6033 Fix unit tests failures caused by latest changes in Hive
MD-6018 Querying empty Parquet files throws error after upgrade to 1.16
MD-6003 DRILL-7694: CollectD warnings on collecting queries.running and queries.completed metrics
MD-6004 UNION query returns "VALIDATION ERROR" if try union varchar output and decimals/integer/date
MD-5998 DRILL-7649: Replace maprfs.version property usage by mapr.release.version
MD-5996 Scrypt j_security_check works without security headers
MD-5990 Drill Java JMX Server Insecure Configuration Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
MD-5950 Drill-on-Yarn: NPE while querying a column in Hive table
MD-5920 drill.exec.ssl.protocol option is not honored by Webserver
MD-5908 Drillbit not starting with error: "Caused by: java.io.IOException: No FileSystem for scheme: maprfs"
MD-5839 DRILL-7615: UNION ALL query returns the wrong result for the decimal value

Known Issues

The following table lists the known issues for Drill
MapR Tracking Number Description
MD-6052 Prttn_Prnng_TC1.sql.explain test failed.
MD-6028 Property 'MAPR_JMXSSL' in 'env_override.sh' by default set as "false"
MD-6027 Cannot change value of "MAPR_JMXSSL=" in "env_override.sh"
MD-6020 Error while using Drill
MD-5792 TPCH query 5 runs 10-20% slower at sf100/sf1000, possibly due to hash join ordering
MD-5786 TPCDS query 98 is 2x slower with Statistics enabled due to hash join order for sf100 and sf1000
MD-5770 TPCH query 9 runs 18% slower at sf 100/sf1000, possibly due to hash join
MD-5758 TPCDS query 78 runs 30x slower with Statistics enabled at sf100
MD-5694 select query takes too long after metadata refresh
MD-5684 Drill timeout when querying a large number of files
MD-5646 Modification needed in Drill dependencies/scripts to support hadoop decoupling
MD-5518 Semi-Join performance is slower with default settings for TPCH 16
MD-5309 Query on complex data fails with SYSTEM ERROR: SchemaChangeException: Failure while materializing expression. Error in expression at index -1. Error: Missing function implementation: [min(MAP-REPEATED)]. Full expression: --UNKNOWN EXPRESSION--.
MD-4906 SI Selectivity Queries hit ForemanException: One more more nodes lost connectivity during query
MD-4738 Incorrect parallelism determination for index plans (SI and Complex SI)
MD-4504 DRILL-6465: Transitive closure is not working in Drill for Join with multiple local conditions
MD-2294 DRILL-1162: 25 way join ended up with OOM


Older versions of Drill, such as Drill 1.10.0, supported the HBase plug-in, but Drill versions 1.11.0 through 1.16.0.x do not support querying HBase tables.