Upgrading MapR Monitoring

Complete the following steps to upgrade MapR Monitoring without the MapR Installer.

About this task

NOTE: Before performing the following steps, make sure that you have completed the Pre-Upgrade Steps for MapR Monitoring.

Execute the following commands as root or using sudo.


  1. Upgrade the following metric monitoring packages wherever they are installed on the cluster: mapr-collectd, mapr-grafana, and mapr-opentsdb.
    For example, on a three node cluster, you could run the following commands to upgrade metrics monitoring packages:
    • For CentOS/RedHat:
      • Node A:
        yum upgrade mapr-collectd mapr-grafana
      • Node B:
        yum upgrade mapr-collectd mapr-opentsdb
      • Node C:
        yum upgrade mapr-collectd
    • For Ubuntu:
      • Node A:
        apt-get install mapr-collectd mapr-grafana
      • Node B:
        apt-get install mapr-collectd mapr-opentsdb
      • Node C:
        apt-get install mapr-collectd
    • For SUSE:
      • Node A:
        zypper update mapr-collectd mapr-grafana
      • Node B:
        zypper update mapr-collectd mapr-opentsdb
      • Node C:
        zypper update mapr-collectd
  2. Upgrade the following log monitoring packages wherever they are installed on the cluster: mapr-fluentd, mapr-elasticsearch, and mapr-kibana.

    For example, on a three node MapR cluster, you can run the following commands to upgrade log monitoring packages:

    • For CentOS/RedHat:
      • Node A:
        yum upgrade mapr-fluentd mapr-elasticsearch
      • Node B:
        yum upgrade mapr-fluentd mapr-elasticsearch
      • Node C:
        yum upgrade mapr-fluentd mapr-elasticsearch mapr-kibana
    • For Ubuntu:
      • Node A:
        apt-get install mapr-fluentd mapr-elasticsearch
      • Node B:
        apt-get install mapr-fluentd mapr-elasticsearch
      • Node C:
        apt-get install mapr-fluentd mapr-elasticsearch mapr-kibana
    • For SUSE:
      • Node A:
        zypper update mapr-fluentd mapr-elasticsearch
      • Node B:
        zypper update mapr-fluentd mapr-elasticsearch
      • Node C:
        zypper update mapr-fluentd mapr-elasticsearch mapr-kibana