Using the MapR Internet Repository

It is usually easiest to install a MapR cluster from an Internet repository.

The MapR repository on the Internet provides all of the packages required to install a MapR cluster using native tools such as yum on RedHat, Oracle Linux, or CentOS, or apt-get on Ubuntu, or zypper on SUSE. Installing from the MapR repository is generally the easiest installation method, but requires the greatest amount of bandwidth. With this method, each node is connected to the Internet to download the required packages.

When setting up a repository for the new version, leave in place the repository for the existing version because you might need to use it again.

Prepare packages and repositories on every node, or on a single node if keyless SSH is set up for the root user.

Set up repositories by completing the steps for your RedHat/Oracle Linux/CentOS, SUSE, or Ubuntu distribution.

For information on repositories and packages for MapR software and Hadoop Ecosystem tools, see MapR Repositories and Packages.

Repositories for MapR Core Software

MapR hosts rpm and deb repositories for installing the MapR core software using Linux package management tools. For every release of the core MapR software, a repository is created for each supported platform.

Platform-specific upgrade repositories are hosted at:<version>/<platform>/mapr-v<version>GA-upgrade.<rpm/deb>.tgz.

Repositories for MapR Ecosystem Tools

MapR hosts rpm and deb repositories for installing MapR ecosystem tools, such as Flume, Hive, Myriad, Oozie, Pig, and Sqoop. At any given time, the MapR recommended versions of ecosystem tools that work with the latest version of MapR core software are available here.

These platform-specific repositories are hosted at the following locations: