What's New in Version 6.0.1

The 6.0.1 MapR release provides new functionality in addition to being a maintenance release. The new features of the platform are described briefly here. See these links for new features released separately from MapR 6.0.1.

See MapR Installer Updates for what is new for the MapR Installer.

See What's New in MEP 5.0.0.

See What's New in MapR Data Science Refinery 1.2

REST API to access MapR-DB JSON Tables using the MapR Data Access Gateway

Starting with this release, you can use a REST API to access MapR-DB JSON tables. The REST API provides an alternative to writing a Java OJAI application, allowing you to make HTTP calls in any programming language. The MapR Data Access Gateway is the service that supports this web API.

For more information, see:

Support for Event-time Timestamp for Stream Processing

Starting with the release, MapR-ES supports an event-time timestamp. Because each message is automatically produced into a topic-partition with an event-time timestamp as part of the message record, this allows the Consumer to seek based on a time. See Topic Messages for more information about event time timestamps and time-based consumption of topic messages.

Additional enhancements to MapR-ES include event-time timestamps, time-indexing of events, event headers, and event interceptors. Event headers and interceptors give applications more flexibility in how they exchange messages. See MapR-ES Java API Library for more information.

For IoT applications, this ensures that data across a globally distributed network of devices and sensors can be properly aggregated for real-time analytics and applications.

Streaming Audit Logs

You can now capture Map-XD audit logs as streams. You can build real-time processing applications to consume this day and therefore simplify monitoring audit data that is critical to your enterprise.

See Streaming Audit Logs for more information.

Limiting the size of the name container

When you create or modify a volume, you can specify the size for the name container using the namecontainerdatathreshold parameter. See volume modify for information.