
Manages nodes in the cluster


The following table lists the data fields that provide information about each node. Each field has two names:

  • Field name - displayed in the output of the node list command
  • Short name - used to specify the columns displayed using the columns parameter

The short name is also used when specifying rows with a filter, for example when specifying nodes on which to perform an action with the node services command.

Field Name

Short Name


blockMovesIn bmi Block moves in.
blockMovesOut bmo Block moves out.
bytesReceived br Bytes received by the node since the last CLDB heartbeat.
bytesSent bs Bytes sent by the node since the last CLDB heartbeat.
configuredservice csvc Services that are configured as roles on the node.
CorePresentAlarm ncp Timestamp when the Core Present alarm was raised.
cpus cpc The total number of CPUs on the node.
davail dsa Disk space available on the node, in GB.
DiskFailureAlarm fda Timestamp when Disk Failure alarm was raised.
disks dsc Total number of disks on the node.
dreadK drk Disk Kbytes read since the last heartbeat.
dreads dro Disk read operations since the last heartbeat.
DRILLDOWNALARM nadrill Timestamp when "Drill Service Down" alarm was raised.
dtotal dst Total disk space on the node, in GB.
dused dsu Disk space used on the node, in GB.
dwriteK dwk Disk Kbytes written since the last heartbeat.
dwrites dwo Disk write ops since the last heartbeat.
ESServerDown naes Timestamp when "Elasticsearch Server Down" alarm was raised.
faileddisks nfd Number of failed MapR-FS disks on the node.
  • 0 = Clear
  • 1 = Raised
fs-heartbeat fhb Time since the last heartbeat to the CLDB, in seconds.
GatewayServiceDown nagwsd Timestamp when "Gateway Service Down" alarm was raised.
HbaseThriftServiceDown hbasethrift Timestamp when "HBase Thrift Service Down" alarm was raised.
HbProcessingSlow hbpsa Timestamp when Heartbeat Processing Slow alarm was raised.
health h Overall node health, calculated from various alarm states:
  • 0 = Healthy
  • 1 = Needs attention
  • 2 = Degraded
  • 3 = Maintenance
  • 4 = Critical
healthDesc hd The health description.
HighMfsMemoryAlarm nhmm Timestamp when MapR File System High Memory alarm was raised.
HomeMapRFullAlarm hmf Timestamp when Installation Directory Full alarm was raised.
hostname hn The host name.
id id The node ID.
IncorrectTopologyAlarm ita Timestamp when Incorrect Topology alarm was raised.
InstanceMismatch nanim Timestamp when Instance Mismatch alarm was raised.
Insufficient memory for buckets tbwarning Timestamp when Tiny Bucket Flush alarm was raised.
ip ip A list of IP addresses associated with the node.
JobHistoryServerDown nasjhsd Timestamp when "Job History Server Down" alarm was raised.
jt-heartbeat jhb Time since the last heartbeat to the JobTracker, in seconds.
LogLevelAlarm lla Timestamp when Excess Logs alarm was raised.
MapRfs disks nmd Number of disks for use by MapR-FS
MemoryAllocationAlarm maa Timestamp when Memory Allocation alarm was raised.
MemorySwapping nams Timestamp when Memory Usage alarm was raised.
mtotal mt Total memory, in MB.
mused mu Memory used, in MB.
NodeDuplicateHostIdAlarm ndh Timestamp when Duplicate Host ID alarm was raised.
NodeManagerDown nanmd Timestamp when "Node Manager Down" alarm was raised.
NodeMaprUserMismatchAlarm nma Timestamp when MapR User Mismatch alarm was raised.
NodeNoHeartbeatAlarm nha Timestamp when No Heartbeat alarm was raised.
NodeTooManyContainersAlarm nmc Timestamp when Node Too Many Containers alarm was raised.
NoDiskAttached nanda Timestamp when No Disk Attached alarm was raised.
numInstances ni Number of configured MapR-FS instances.
numReportedInstances nri The number of running instances reported by MapR-FS to CLDB.
numResyncSlots nrs The number of resync slots.
numGetsInLastTenSeconds ngl10s Number of table get operations in last 10 seconds.
numGetsInLastMinute ngl1m Number of table get operations in last 1 minute.
numGetsInLastFiveMinutes ngl5m Number of table get operations in last 5 minutes.
numGetsInLastFifteenMinutes ngl15m Number of table get operations in last 15 minutes.
numPutsInLastTenSeconds npl10s Number of table put operations in last 10 seconds.
numPutsInLastMinute npl1m Number of table put operations in last 1 minute.
numPutsInLastFiveMinutes npl5m Number of table put operations in last 5 minutes
numPutsInLastFifteenMinutes npl15m Number of table put operations in last 15 minutes.
numScansInLastTenSeconds nsl10s Number of table scan operations in last 10 seconds.
numScansInLastMinute nsl1m Number of table scan operations in last 1 minute.
numScansInLastFiveMinutes nsl5m Number of table scan operations in last 5 minutes.
numScansInLastFifteenMinutes nsl15m Number of table scan operations in last 15 minutes.
PamMisconfiguredAlarm pma PAM misconfigured alarm (NODE_ALARM_PAM_MISCONFIGURED):
  • 0 = Clear
  • 1 = Raised
ResourceManagerDown narmd Timestamp when "Resource Manager Down" alarm is raised.
RootPartitionFullAlarm rpf Timestamp when Root Partition Full alarm was raised.
rpcin rpi RPC bytes received since the last heartbeat.
rpcout rpo RPC bytes sent since the last heartbeat.
rpcs rpc Number of RPCs since the last heartbeat.
service svc

A comma-separated list of services running on the node:

  • cldb - CLDB
  • fileserver - MapR-FS
  • nfs - NFS Gateway Example: "cldb,fileserver,nfs"
ServiceBeeswaxDownNotRunningAlarm sbwa Timestamp when "Beeswax Service Down" alarm was raised.
ServiceCLDBDownNotRunningAlarm sca Timestamp when CLDB alarm was raised.
ServiceFileserverDownNotRunningAlarm sfsa Timestamp when Fileserver alarm was raised.
ServiceHiveDownNotRunningAlarm shsma Timestamp when HiveMeta Service Down alarm was raised.
ServiceHoststatsDownNotRunningAlarm sha Timestamp when Hoststats alarm was raised.
ServiceHs2DownNotRunningAlarm shsa Timestamp when HS2 Service Down alarm was raised.
ServiceHttpfsDownNotRunningAlarm shfsa Timestamp when "Httpfs Service Down" alarm is raised.
ServiceHueDownNotRunningAlarm shuea Timestamp when "Hue Service Down" alarm was raised.
ServiceNFSDownNotRunningAlarm sna Timestamp when NFS alarm was raised.
ServiceOozieDownNotRunningAlarm sooza Timestamp when Oozie Service Down alarm was raised.
ServicesWebserverDownNotRunningAlarm swa Timestamp when Webserver alarm was raised.
spsPerInstance nsp Number of storage pools per file server instance.
TimeSkewAlarm tsa Timestamp when Time Skew alarm was raised.
racktopo rp The rack path.
uptime cpt Date when the node came up.
utilization cpu CPU use percentage since the last heartbeat.
VersionMismatchAlarm vma Timestamp when Version alarm was raised.
vip vip The virtuap IP address.