Pre-Upgrade Steps for Impala

Complete the following steps before you upgrade Impala with or without the MapR Installer.

About this task

Stop the Impala server, statestore, and catalog services on all Impala nodes.
  1. Run the following command to stop the Impala server on each Impala node:
    $ sudo maprcli node services -name impalaserver -action stop -nodes <node IP addresses separated by a space>
    Example:$ sudo maprcli node services -name impalaserver -action stop -nodes
  2. Run the following command to stop the Impala statestore instances:
    $ sudo maprcli node services -name impalastore -action stop -nodes <node IP addresses separated by a space>
    Example:$ sudo maprcli node services -name impalastore -action stop -nodes
  3. Run the following command to stop the Impala catalog instances:
    $ sudo maprcli node services -name impalacatalog -action stop -nodes <node IP addresses separated by a space>
    Example:$ sudo maprcli node services -name impalacatalog -action stop -nodes