Post-Upgrade Steps for Storm

Complete the following steps after you upgrade Storm with or without the MapR Installer.

About this task


  1. Stop all Storm services.
    1. Make a list of nodes on which Storm is configured (including the nimbus daemon and the supervisor daemons).
    2. Run these commands on each node where Storm is configured:
      /opt/mapr/storm/storm-<version>/bin/ stop supervisor
      /opt/mapr/storm/storm-<version>/bin/ stop nimbus
      /opt/mapr/storm/storm-<version>/bin/ stop core
  2. Clean the tmp directory.
     rm -rf /tmp/storm-data/*
  3. Migrate Custom Configurations.
    When you upgrade to a newer Storm version, a new storm-<version> folder is created, and the old configuration files are not automatically migrated to the new folder. Migrate any custom configuration settings into the new default files in the conf directory (/opt/mapr/storm/storm-<version>/conf/).
  4. Start Storm services on each node where Storm is configured.
    maprcli node services -name nimbus -action start -nodes <space delimited list of nodes>
    maprcli node services -name storm-ui -action start -nodes <space delimited list of nodes>
    maprcli node services -name supervisor -action start -nodes <space delimited list of nodes>
  5. Resubmit the topology:
    storm jar <jar-path> <main class>