Mounting NFS on a Linux Client

You can automatically or manually mount NFS on a Linux client when your system starts up.

Automatically Mount

Use this procedure to automatically mount to NFS on a Linux client when your system starts up.

Add an NFS mount to /etc/fstab.
# device          mountpoint      fs-type      options      dump fsckorder
usa-node01:/mapr  /mapr           nfs          rw           0    0

Manually Mount

Use this procedure to manually mount to NFS on a Linux client.
  1. Install the NFS client.
    • sudo yum install nfs-utils (Red Hat or CentOS)
    • sudo apt-get install nfs-common (Ubuntu)
    • sudo zypper install nfs-client (SUSE)
  2. List the NFS shares exported on the server. For example:
    showmount -e usa-node01 
  3. Set up a mount point for an NFS share. For example:
    sudo mkdir /mapr
  4. Mount the cluster via NFS.
    sudo mount -o hard,nolock usa-node01:/mapr /mapr
    NOTE: The mount point does not persist after reboot when you mount manually from the command line.