Hadoop - 2104 (EEP 7.1.0) Release Notes

The notes below relate to the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric distribution of Apache Hadoop.

These release notes contain only data-fabric-specific information and are not necessarily cumulative in nature. For information about how to use the release notes, see Ecosystem Component Release Notes.

Release Date April 2021
Version Interoperability See EEP Components and OS Support.
GitHub Source https://github.com/mapr/hadoop-common/
GitHub Release Tag
Maven Artifacts https://repository.mapr.com/maven/
Package Names Navigate to https://package.ezmeral.hpe.com/releases/MEP/ and select your EEP and OS to view the list of package names.

New in this Release

Hadoop - 2104 introduces the following enhancements or HPE platform-specific behavior changes:
  • All the fixes from Apache Hadoop 2.7.5 have been backported.
  • Symbolic links are supported for all Hadoop operations.
  • Hadoop Key Management Server (hadoop-kms) has been removed.
  • Log4j APIs have moved to slf4j.
  • Jetty version updated to 9.4.39.v2021032.
  • Service verifier.


This data-fabric release includes the following fixes on the base Apache release. For details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.
Commit Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Comment
48b8b44e 2021-04-13 MAPRHADOOP-165: Jetty updated to 9.4.39.v20210325 due CVE-2021-28165
62625863 2021-04-06 MAPRHADOOP-163:fix mapred-site.xml HS_IP new value change
7df21655 2021-03-25 MAPRHADOOP-161: ssl-client/server.xml should be updated after Hadoop upgrade
2c4da9f4 2021-03-22 MAPRYARN-307: Job history server does not delete logs on new nodes with central logging
4406c09b 2021-03-17 MAPRYARN-299: Add service verifier to hadoop packages that contains a startable servicee
961269d8 2021-03-15 MAPRHADOOP-159: Fixed mfs and conf commands for Windows client
6b28f579 2021-03-09 MAPRHADOOP-155: CVE-2016-2402 vulnerability in okhttp
ceb85f35 2021-03-05 MAPRYARN-306: fix ConcurrentModificationException
705769a6 2021-03-03 MAPRHADOOP-152: Updated Jetty to 9.4.38.v20210224 due CVEs
d72447ab 2021-03-01 Backport HADOOP-17223. Update org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient to 4.5.13 and httpcore to 4.4.13
258214e1 2021-02-26 Backport YARN-7590. Improve container-executor validation check. Contributed by Eric Yang.
e189bdff 2021-02-26 MAPRYARN-294: Added missed API for ContainerLocalizer logs
e0e5e7ff 2021-02-26 Backport YARN-8039. Clean up log dir configuration in TestLinuxContainerExecutorWithMocks.testStartLocalizer. Contributed by Miklos Szegedi.
1cac41e8 2021-02-26 Backport YARN-5277. When localizers fail due to resource timestamps being out, provide more diagnostics. Contributed by Siddharth Ahuja
9df6eea0 2021-02-26 Backport YARN-7705. Create the container log directory with correct sticky bit in C code. Contributed by Yufei Gu.
989909e7 2021-02-26 YARN-7363. ContainerLocalizer don't have a valid log4j config in case of Linux container executor. (Contributed by Yufei Gu)
1ace3db4 2021-02-26 Backport YARN-7261. Add debug message for better download latency monitoring. (Yufei Gu)
7125273e 2021-02-24 MAPRHADOOP-147: Fixed __HS_IP__ address at mapred-site.xml after Hadoop update
7430b2fc 2021-02-23 MAPRHADOOP-146: Added information about ACE to cp copy usages
1f3ff1a9 2021-02-22 MAPRYARN-125: fix typo in deprecated key replacement
c2be584e 2021-02-16 MAPRYARN-283: Implement maxContainer queue element at the queue level
8c75d4dd 2021-02-12 Backported YARN-6752. Display reserved resources in web UI per application
eaf1f314 2021-02-10 MAPRYARN-292: Nodemanager does not delete the appcache application directories
c5ede6c4 2021-02-10 MAPRHADOOP-120: Fixed symlink path for LocatedFileStatus
897dca05 2021-02-08 MAPRHADOOP-143: CVE-2020-17527 Tomcat 9.0.39 vulnerability. Updated to 9.0.43
98fe6480 2021-02-03 MAPRYARN-295: NodeManager shutsdown with NPE in AsyncDispatcher Thread
5cf60bb9 2021-02-02 MAPRHADOOP-142: MapTask checks if output dir exist in MFS ignoring the path schema
21585148 2021-01-06 MAPRHADOOP-88: Remove hadoop-kms
e5a0ca54 2020-12-29 MAPRYARN-288: Scheduler queue UI doesn't work
a1deb43c 2020-12-24 MAPRHADOOP-135: Moved ShuffleHandler to Netty 4
fa85c3c7 2020-12-07 MAPRHADOOP-121: Added symlink support for LS and Delete operations
77b364a2 2020-12-07 MAPRYARN-280: Support for symlinks as input/output for YARN application
7dfc54f2 2020-12-07 MAPRHADOOP-121: Support symlinks for CLI
23ed8d45 2020-11-27 MAPRHADOOP-116 Move log4j APIs over to slf4j
df184cf8 2020-11-02 MAPRHADOOP-79: Update jackson to 2.11.1
a3119a41 2020-10-08 Backport some changes from hadoop-13597
641791bf 2020-10-06 Backport MFS-11328: Link activation jar under lib to find the class DataSource
3960fa46 2020-10-05 MAPRHADOOP-114: Update jetty dependency to version 9
For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • None.

Resolved Issues

  • None.