Python OJAI Client API Class Reference

Public Member Functions

def find_by_id (self, _id, field_paths=None, condition=None, result_as_document=False)
def find (self, query, options=None)
def insert_or_replace (self, doc=None, _id=None, field_as_key=None, doc_stream=None)
def update (self, _id, mutation)
def delete (self, doc=None, _id=None, field_as_key=None, doc_stream=None)
def insert (self, doc=None, _id=None, field_as_key=None, doc_stream=None)
def replace (self, doc=None, _id=None, field_as_key=None, doc_stream=None)
def increment (self, _id, field, inc)
def check_and_update (self, _id, query_condition, mutation)
def check_and_delete (self, _id, condition)
def check_and_replace (self, _id, condition, doc)

Member Function Documentation

◆ check_and_delete()

def (   self,
Atomically evaluates the condition on given document and if the
condition holds true for the document then it is atomically deleted.
:param _id: document id.
:param condition: the condition to evaluate on the document.

◆ check_and_replace()

def (   self,
Atomically evaluates the condition on the given document and if the
condition holds true for the document then it atomically replaces the document
with the given document.
:param _id: document id.
:param condition: the condition to evaluate on the document.

◆ check_and_update()

def (   self,
Atomically evaluates the condition on a given document and if the
condition holds true for the document then a mutation is applied on the document.
:param _id: document id.
:param query_condition: the condition to evaluate on the document.
:param mutation: mutation to apply on the document.

◆ delete()

def (   self,
  doc = None,
  _id = None,
  field_as_key = None,
  doc_stream = None 
Deletes a document with the given id or set of documents represent by stream.
This operation is successful even when the document with the given id doesn't exist.
:param doc: the Document or json dictionary to be deleted.
:param _id: document id.
:param field_as_key: document's field to be used as the key when an id is not
passed in and a document doesn't have an "_id" field.
If the parameter field_as_key is provided, its value will be used as
the "_id" to delete the document.
:param doc_stream: DocumentStream.
:raises StoreError

◆ find()

def (   self,
  options = None 
Returns a QueryResult with all the documents from this
DocumentStore that match the specified query criteria.
When 'ojai.mapr.query.result-as-document' flag is set to False
(default), the documents are returned as Python dictionaries and when
True, the documents are returned as objects of OJAI Document class.
:param query: OJAI Query.
:param options: set of options for find method.
:raises StoreError
:return Method returns an object of QueryResult containing OJAI documents

◆ find_by_id()

def (   self,
  field_paths = None,
  condition = None,
  result_as_document = False 
Returns the document with the specified `_id` or None if the document with that `_id` either doesn't exist
in this DocumentStore or does not meet the specified condition.
When 'result_as_document' flag is set to False (default), the document is returned as Python dictionary
and when True, the document is returned as an object of OJAI Document class.
:param _id: Document id. Type may be str, Value.
:param field_paths: list of fields that should be returned in the read document.
:param condition: query condition to test the document
:param result_as_document: if True, the document is returned as object of OJAI Document class.
:raises StoreError
:return an OJAI document with the specified _id

◆ increment()

def (   self,
Atomically applies an increment to a given field (in dot separated notation)
of the given document id. If the field doesn't exist on the server
then it will be created with the type of the incremental value.
The increment operation can be applied on any of the numeric
types, such as byte, int, long or float,
of a field. The operation will fail if the increment is applied to a
field that is of a non-numeric type.
:param _id: document id.
:param field: the field name in dot separated notation.
:param inc: increment to apply to a field. Can be positive or negative.

◆ insert()

def (   self,
  doc = None,
  _id = None,
  field_as_key = None,
  doc_stream = None 
Inserts a document with the given id or documents represent by the DocumentStream.
This operation is successful only when the document with the given id doesn't exist.
If "_id" already existed in the document, then an error will be thrown.
:param doc: the Document or json dictionary to be inserted in the DocumentStore.
:param _id: to be used as the key for the document.
:param field_as_key: document's field to be used as the key when the id is not
passed in and document doesn't have an "_id" field.
:param doc_stream: DocumentStream.
:raises StoreError

◆ insert_or_replace()

def (   self,
  doc = None,
  _id = None,
  field_as_key = None,
  doc_stream = None 
Inserts or replaces a new document in this DocumentStore with the given _id.
:param doc: the Document or json dictionary to be inserted or replaced in the DocumentStore.
:param _id: value to be used as the _id for this document.
:param field_as_key: document's field to be used as the key when an id is not passed in and the
document doesn't have an "_id" field or a different field is desired to be used as _id.
:param doc_stream: the DocumentStream to read the documents from.
:raises StoreError

◆ replace()

def (   self,
  doc = None,
  _id = None,
  field_as_key = None,
  doc_stream = None 
Replaces a document or set of documents represented by the DocumentStream in the DocumentStore.
The document id is either explicitly specified as parameter "id" or it is implicitly specified as the
field "_id" in the passed document. If the document id is explicitly passed then the document should
not contain "_id" field or its value should be the same as the explicitly
specified id; otherwise, the operation will  fail.
:param doc: the Document or json dictionary to be replaced in the DocumentStore.
:param _id: to be used as the key for the document.
:param field_as_key: document's field to be used as the key when the id is not
passed in and document doesn't have an "_id" field.
:param doc_stream: DocumentStream.
:raises StoreError

◆ update()

def (   self,
Applies a mutation on the document identified by the document id.
All updates specified by the mutation object should be applied atomically,
and consistently meaning either all of the updates in mutation are applied
or none of them is applied and a partial update should not be visible to an
:param _id: document id. Type may be str, Value.
:param mutation: a mutation object specifying the mutation operations on the document. Type DocumentMutation.
:raises StoreError

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