What's New in Release 7.1.0

Describes the new features in release 7.1.0 and provides links to more information.

Release 7.1.0 of the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric provides substantial new features for the components of the data platform.

New Repository for Data Fabric Software

On August 1, 2023, Hewlett Packard Enterprise introduced a new download repository for the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric core and ecosystem software packages. https://package.ezmeral.hpe.com/ is the new repository for HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric downloads. For all Data Fabric releases, https://package.ezmeral.hpe.com/ replaces two older repositories:
Description URL Authentication Required?
New repository https://package.ezmeral.hpe.com/ Yes
Old repositories https://package.mapr.com/



1Beginning October 2023, the old repositories are redirected to the new repository URL, which requires authentication.

The new repository requires you to provide the email and token for your HPE Passport account. Software that points to the old repositories must be updated to include your HPE Passport email and token. For more information about using the new repository, see Using the HPE Ezmeral Token-Authenticated Internet Repository.

If you plan to use the Data Fabric Installer, you must update the Installer to the most current version or later. Earlier versions of the Installer will not work with the new repository. See Updating the Installer.

Apache Kafka Wire Protocol Service

Apache Kafka Wire Protocol Service is the defining feature of release 7.1.0. Apache Kafka Wire Protocol Service makes it possible for Apache Kafka clients written in any programming language to access topics in HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Streams.

For more information about the new service, see Apache Kafka Wire Protocol Service.

HPE Ezmeral Ecosystem Pack (EEP) Support

Release 7.1.0 requires EEP 9.0.0 or later. EEP 9.0.0 is new for this release and delivers three new ecosystem components:
  • Apache Ranger – Provides centralized security administration, enabling the creation of policies that restrict access to Hive Metastore and HiveServer2.
  • Apache NiFi – Provides an integrated data-logistics platform for automating the movement of data between disparate systems.
  • Apache Zeppelin – Provides a package-based data-science notebook that you can use with Data Fabric components to conduct data discovery, ETL, machine learning, and data visualization.

For more information about Apache Ranger, Apache NiFi, Apache Zeppelin, and other new features delivered as part of the Ecosystem Pack, see What's New in EEP 9.0.0. For reference information, see EEP 9.0.0 Reference Information.

For information about the EEPs that can be used with different versions of core releases, see EEP Support and Lifecycle Status.

Hadoop 3 Support

Release 7.1.0 with Ecosystem Pack 9.0.0 includes support for Hadoop Hadoop 3.x support enables EEP 9.0.0 to support other updated components, such as Spark 3.3. For more information about Hadoop 3, see the following:

Operating System Support

RHEL 8.6 Support
Release 7.1.0 adds support for RHEL 8.6. For a complete list of supported operating systems, see Operating System Support Matrix.

Security and Governance

A new support matrix shows the ecosystem components that support FIPS in EEPs 8.1.0 and 9.0.0. See FIPS Support for Ecosystem Components.

Control System

In release 7.1.0, the Control System installation packages (mapr-apiserver and mapr-webserver) are provided in the repository for core packages and not in the MEP repository. For more information, see Setting Up the Control System.

In addition, the Control System now has a dedicated release note. See Control System - Release Notes.

Discontinued Components

The following ecosystem components are either deprecated or discontinued and cannot be used with release 7.1.0:
  • Flume
  • Oozie
  • Pig
  • S3 Gateway
  • Sqoop
For more information about deprecated and discontinued components, see Discontinued Ecosystem Components.