Container Storage Interface (CSI) Storage Plugin Release 1.2.x (FUSE POSIX)

These notes describe release 1.2.x of the Container Storage Interface (CSI) Storage Plugin for FUSE POSIX.

You may also be interested in the Kubernetes Release Notes. For the latest 1.2.x version, see the mapr-csi github repository.

Version 1.2.x
Release Date November 2020
MapR Version Interoperability Compatible with release 6.1.0 and later.
Kubernetes Compatibility Kubernetes 1.17.0 and later.*
OpenShift Compatibility 4.4 and later.
CSI Driver Downloads See Downloads (CSI) for more information.
Related Resources

* Kubernetes alpha features are not supported.

New in this Release

This release of the Container Storage Interface (CSI) Storage Plugin increments the version of the csi-kdfplugin to 1.2.x. Release 1.2.x includes support for:

You can access the csi-kdfplugin by installing the custom resource definition (CRD) using the csi-maprkdf-v<version>.yaml file. Or you can build your own container and point to the plugin on the Docker hub at maprtech/csi-kdfplugin:<version>. For installation information, see Installing, Uninstalling, and Upgrading the Container Storage Interface (CSI) Storage Plugin.




Note the following limitations:

  • CSI Driver version 1.2.x does not support coexistence with the FlexVolume Driver on the same Kubernetes cluster.
  • All nodes in the Kubernetes cluster must use the same Linux OS. Configuration files are available to support the following Linux distributions:
    • CentOS
    • RHEL (use CentOS configuration file)
    • Ubuntu
  • The Container POSIX client package is included by default when you install the Container Storage Interface (CSI) Storage Plugin. The Basic, Container, or Platinum POSIX client can be enabled by specifying a parameter in the pod spec.
  • The CSI Driver does not include support for inline volumes in pods. It supports only PersistentVolumes.

Known Issues

Note the following known issues:

  • Snapshot restore fails if the snapshot contains symlinks to other files in the directory.

Resolved Issues

Issue Description

Enable memory profiling for fuse process w/ trackMemory : true option

CSI-241 Support volume clone for dynamic provisioning
CSI-242 Support snapshot restore for dynamic provisioning
CSI-243 Support for OpenShift 4.4, 4.5, 4.6+ & Kubernetes 1.17, 1.18, 1.19+
CSI-248 Retain fuse logs after pod delete w/ retainLogs: true option
REL-301 Update kdfplugin image w/ 6.2 release bits on centos8
CSI-254 Option 'numrpcthreads' added to configure Number of Client RPC threads (default:1, max:4).
CSI-258 DF client fixes & updates
CSI-259 Reduce verbose logging on CSI logfiles
CSI-262 [BETA] Support ticket-based authentication to apiserver. You can use MAPR_CLUSTER_TICKET instead of MAPR_CLUSTER_USER and MAPR_CLUSTER_PASSWORD. See REST Secrets.
BDP-2631 Update to livenessprobe v2.2.0 image to remove level5 messages