Special Considerations for the Control System Patches

Patches for the Control System are handled differently from patches for cluster data nodes and CLDB nodes.

The Control System software is updated as a package rather than a patch file. While core patches typically include a prefix such as mapr-patch or mapr-patch-client, or mapr-patch-posix-client-basic, Control System software is updated as a new package and does not use the core patch mechanism.

To identify a Control System patch package, look for mapr-apiserver or mapr-webserver in the package name, and use these steps to update your currently installed packages:

  1. Stop the apiserver service on all Control System nodes:
    $ maprcli node services -filter [csvc==apiserver] -name apiserver -action stop
  2. Upgrade the existing mapr-apiserver and mapr-webserver packages. For example:
    • On CentOS/RedHat or SLES:
      $ rpm -Uvh <path to new mapr-apiserver>
      $ rpm -Uvh <path to new mapr-webserver>
    • On Ubuntu:
      $ dpkg -i <path to new mapr-apiserver>
      $ dpkg -i <path to new mapr-webserver>
  3. Run configure.sh to update the configuration for the new packages:
    $ /opt/mapr/server/configure.sh -R --noRecalcMem
  4. Start the apiserver service on all Control System nodes:
    $ maprcli node services -filter [csvc==apiserver] -name apiserver -action start