node list

Lists nodes in the cluster.

You can retrieve information for a set of nodes in several ways:

  • To list only nodes with raised alarms, set alarmednodes to 1.
  • To list only NFS nodes, set nfsnodes to 1.
  • To view only a few nodes from the list, use the start and limit options to select only a portion of the results.
  • To list nodes that match certain criteria, pass a filter to the filter parameter. See the node table for the filter options. See the Filters page for information on filters.

Using the node list command without the -clientsonly true or the -nfsnodes true option, does not list edge nodes. To include edge nodes, use the -nfsnodes true or the -clientsonly true option.


/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node list
    [ -alarmednodes 0|1 ]
    [ -cluster <cluster> ]
    [ -clientsonly true|false ]
    [ -columns <columns>|all]
    [ -filter <filter> ]
    [ -limit <limit> ]
    [ -nfsnodes true|false ]
    [ -output terse|verbose ]
    [ -sortby <attribute> ]
    [ -sortorder asc|desc ]
    [ -start <offset> ]
    [ -zkconnect <ZooKeeper Connect String> ]
Request Type GET
Request URL




alarmednodes When set to 1, displays only nodes with raised alarms. You cannot use this parameter if nfsnodes is set.
cluster The cluster on which to run the command.
clientsonly Set this parameter to true to return the list of nodes running unique platinum FUSE-based POSIX clients, and NFSv3, and NFSv4 services. The command returns the following fields: clienttype, clienthealth, hostname, ip, lasthb, id. For more information, see the fields table.

If you set this parameter to false, which is the default value, this parameter returns node-level information for all the services running on each node.

columns A comma-separated list of fields to return in the query, specified by the short names.

When specifying this option, the ip and hostname columns are always returned in the query.

filter A filter specifying nodes on which to start or stop services. See the Fields table on the node page for the fields available to filter. See the maprcli and REST API Syntax page for information on filters.
limit The number of rows to return, beginning at start. Default: 0
nfsnodes Set this to true to display POSIX (edge) nodes:
maprcli node list -nfsnodes true -columns csvc
When set to false, edge nodes are not displayed.

Cannot be used if alarmednodes is set.

When you set the cldb.ignore.posix.only.hb.alarm parameter to 1, dead edge nodes are displayed for 4 minutes from the time they went down, as CLDB removes all the dead edge nodes after 4 minutes. However, when you set cldb.ignore.posix.only.hb.alarm parameter to 0, dead edge nodes are displayed for 24 hours.

output Specifies whether the output should be terse or verbose.
sortby Specifies one of the following attributes by which to sort the list of nodes: nodeid, nodeip, nodehostname, noderackpath, nodeswitchpath, nodestatus, nodeservices, nodefshb, nodejthb, nodedisktotal, nodediskused, nodediskavail, noderpc, noderpcin, noderpcout, nodediskcount, nodediskreadops, nodediskreadkbytes, nodediskwriteops, nodediskwritekbytes, nodecpucount, nodecpuutil, nodememtotal, nodememused, nodefaileddisks, nodevirtualip, nodevirtualipend, nodenetmaskvnodemacaddress, nodegateway, nodebytesreceived, nodebytessent, nodecpuuptime, nodemaprdiskcount, nodestatusdesc, nodeblockmovesout, nodeblockmovesinvnodemaxcontainersthreshold, nodenuminstances, nodenumspsperinstance, nodenfsstate, nodeisposixclient, nodeisloopbacknfs, nodeisloopbacknfsrunning
start The offset from the starting row according to sort. Default: 0
zkconnect ZooKeeper Connect String


Information about the nodes. See the fields for more information.

Sample Output

# /opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node list -json
	"timeofday":"2019-04-15 08:30:12.112 GMT-0700 AM",
			"healthDesc":"One or more services is down",
			"MapRfs disks":3,
			"uptime":"Mon Nov 20 15:03:37 PST 2017",
			"Insufficient memory for buckets":0,


For definitions of the output fields, and short names for use with filters, see the fields table.


List all nodes:

For neatly formatted results, use the -json option when listing all nodes or a large subset of node information.

/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node list -json
	"timeofday":"2019-04-15 08:30:12.112 GMT-0700 AM",
			"healthDesc":"One or more services is down",
			"MapRfs disks":3,
			"uptime":"Mon Nov 20 15:03:37 PST 2017",
			"Insufficient memory for buckets":0,
curl -u mapr:mapr -X GET -k "https://host:8443/rest/node/list"

List the health and configured service of all nodes:

The following examples show the use of short forms for the column parameter.

/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node list -columns service,health,configuredservice -json
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node list -columns svc,h,csvc -json
	"timeofday":"2019-04-15 08:45:15.082 GMT-0700 AM",
curl -u mapr:mapr -X GET -k "https://host:8443/rest/node/list?columns=service%2Chealth%2Cconfiguredservice"
curl -u mapr:mapr -X GET -k "https://host:8443/rest/node/list?columns=svc%2Ch%2Ccsvs"
{"timestamp":1555482645387,"timeofday":"2019-04-16 11:30:45.387 GMT-0700 PM","status":"OK","total":1,"data":[{"ip":["",""],"hostname":"doc29.lab","health":2,"service":"","configuredservice":""}]}

List the number of slots on all nodes:

/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node list -columns ip,ttmapSlots,ttmapUsed,ttReduceSlots,ttReduceUsed -json
	"timeofday":"2019-04-16 11:45:25.095 GMT-0700 PM",
curl -u mapr:mapr -X GET -k "https://host:8443/rest/node/list?columns=ip%2CttmapSlots%2CttmapUsed%2CttReduceSlots%2CttReduceUsed"
{"timestamp":1555483675606,"timeofday":"2019-04-16 11:47:55.606 GMT-0700 PM","status":"OK","total":1,"data":[{"ip":["",""],"hostname":"doc29.lab","ttmapSlots":0,"ttmapUsed":0,"ttReduceSlots":0,"ttReduceUsed":0}]}

List nodes on a particular subnet:

/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node list -filter '[ip==10.*]' -json
	"timeofday":"2019-04-16 11:49:09.837 GMT-0700 PM",
			"healthDesc":"One or more services is down",
			"MapRfs disks":3,
			"uptime":"Tue Apr 16 04:00:39 PDT 2019",
			"Insufficient memory for buckets":0,
curl -u mapr:mapr -X GET -k "https://host:8443/rest/node/list?filter=%5Bip%3D%3D10.*%5D"
{"timestamp":1555483809698,"timeofday":"2019-04-16 11:50:09.698 GMT-0700 PM","status":"OK","total":1,"data":[{"id":"1470287842321938805","ip":["",""],"hostname":"doc29.lab","racktopo":"/data/default-rack/doc29.lab","health":2,"healthDesc":"One or more services is down","service":"","configuredservice":"","fs-heartbeat":0,"jt-heartbeat":2,"dtotal":272,"dused":0,"davail":272,"rpcs":0,"rpcin":489,"rpcout":942,"disks":5,"MapRfs disks":3,"faileddisks":0,"dreads":0,"dreadK":0,"dwrites":0,"dwriteK":0,"cpus":8,"utilization":1,"uptime":"Tue Apr 16 04:00:39 PDT 2019","mtotal":23947,"mused":10560,"ttmapSlots":0,"ttmapUsed":0,"ttReduceSlots":0,"ttReduceUsed":0,"bytesReceived":672,"bytesSent":792,"numResyncSlots":16,"blockMovesOut":false,"blockMovesIn":false,"numInstances":"1","numReportedInstances":"1","spsPerInstance":"0","numPutsInLastTenSeconds":0,"numPutsInLastMinute":0,"numPutsInLastFiveMinutes":0,"numPutsInLastFifteenMinutes":0,"numGetsInLastTenSeconds":0,"numGetsInLastMinute":0,"numGetsInLastFiveMinutes":0,"numGetsInLastFifteenMinutes":0,"numScansInLastTenSeconds":0,"numScansInLastMinute":0,"numScansInLastFiveMinutes":0,"numScansInLastFifteenMinutes":0,"LogLevelAlarm":0,"ServiceCLDBDownNotRunningAlarm":0,"ServiceFileserverDownNotRunningAlarm":0,"ServiceJTDownNotRunningAlarm":0,"ServiceTTDownNotRunningAlarm":0,"ServiceHBMasterDownNotRunningAlarm":0,"ServiceHBRegionDownNotRunningAlarm":0,"ServiceNFSDownNotRunningAlarm":0,"ServiceNFS4DownNotRunningAlarm":0,"ServiceWebserverDownNotRunningAlarm":0,"ServiceHoststatsDownNotRunningAlarm":0,"DiskFailureAlarm":0,"VersionMismatchAlarm":0,"TimeSkewAlarm":0,"HbProcessingSlow":0,"RootPartitionFullAlarm":0,"HomeMapRFullAlarm":0,"CorePresentAlarm":0,"HighMfsMemoryAlarm":0,"PamMisconfiguredAlarm":0,"TTLocaldirFullAlarm":0,"NodeNoHeartbeatAlarm":0,"NodeMaprUserMismatchAlarm":0,"NodeDuplicateHostIdAlarm":0,"NodeMetricsWriteProblemAlarm":0,"NodeTooManyContainersAlarm":0,"IncorrectTopologyAlarm":0,"ServiceHueDownNotRunningAlarm":0,"ServiceHttpfsDownNotRunningAlarm":0,"ServiceBeeswaxDownNotRunningAlarm":0,"ServiceHiveDownNotRunningAlarm":0,"ServiceHs2DownNotRunningAlarm":0,"ServiceOozieDownNotRunningAlarm":0,"NodeManagerDown":0,"GatewayServiceDown":0,"InstanceMismatch":0,"ResourceManagerDown":0,"Insufficient memory for buckets":0,"NoDiskAttached":0,"MemoryAllocationAlarm":0,"FileMigrateServerDown":1555482296140,"MemorySwapping":0,"ApiServerDown":0}]}

List the nodes running the clients:

/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node list -clientsonly true -json
clienttype           clienthealth  hostname           ip                       lasthb  id
posixclientgold      Active,  28      5412384279424088014
NFS_V3               Active            1       711699521447755347
posixclientbasic     Active            5       5689202715616988402
posixclientplatinum  Active            15      5679519305469912939
LOOPBACK_NFS         Active            1       723686691202793155
NFS_V4               Active            1       7808496860582738296
posixclientbasic     Active            25      2792316733179447508
posixclientplatinum  Active            11      5678398615695393161
LOOPBACK_NFS         Active            1       5524477677754836725
NFS_V3               Active            1       3396225116726542411
NFS_V4               Active            2       1203052391917747224
curl -u mapr:mapr -X GET -k "https://host:8443/rest/node/list?clientsonly=true"
{"timestamp":1531171868890,"timeofday":"2018-07-09 02:31:08.890 GMT-0700 PM","status":"OK","total":1,"data":[{"id":"5412384279424088014","hostname":"","ip":",","clienttype":"posixclientgold","clienthealth":"Active","lasthb":28}]}

List the labels associated with a node:

$ maprcli node list -columns labels -json  
        "timeofday":"2020-05-24 09:12:23.262 GMT-0700 PM",