cluster queryservice setconfig

Enables or disables the OJAI Distributed Query Service. When enabling the service, you can specify the configuration of the service.

Permissions Required

Only the user that enabled the OJAI Distributed Query Service can run this command. If the service was enabled during installation, user 'mapr' must run the command.


maprcli cluster queryservice setconfig 
              [ -cluster < cluster-name > ]
              -enabled < true | false >
              -clusterid < cluster-id of MapR Drill cluster >
              -storageplugin < Name of MapR Drill Storage plug-in >
              -znode < Root Zookeeper node user by MapR Drill cluster > 
Not available





(Optional) Name of the cluster that is using secondary indexes to query HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database JSON tables


(Required) Whether the OJAI Distributed Query Service is enabled

Values: true or false
clusterid (Required) Cluster ID of your MapR Drill cluster

Refer to the value of the cluster-id parameter in the drill-distrib.conf file. You can find this file in the /opt/mapr/drill/drill-<version number>/conf directory.
storageplugin (Required) Name of the MapR Drill Storage plug-in instance used to run OJAI queries (usually dfs)
znode (Required) Name of the root Zookeeper node used by the MapR Drill cluster (usually /drill)


maprcli cluster queryservice setconfig \
   -enabled true \
   -clusterid mycluster \
   -storageplugin dfs \
   -znode /drill