Scan the entire table

APIs used

These APIs and more are defined in the header file scanner.h:

  • hb_scanner_create(): Creates a client side row scanner. The returned scanner is not thread safe. No RPC will be invoked until the call to fetch the next set of rows is made. You can set the various attributes of this scanner until that point. @returns 0 on success, non-zero error code in case of failure.
  • hb_scanner_next(): Request the next set of results from the server. You can set the maximum number of rows returned by this call using hb_scanner_set_num_max_rows().
  • hb_scanner_num_max_rows(): Sets the maximum number of rows to scan per call to hb_scanner_next().
  • hb_scanner_num_versions(): Sets the maximum versions of a column to fetch.
  • hb_scanner_set_table(): Sets the name of the table to scan.

Sequence of steps

  1. Create the scanner object.
  2. Set the name of the table to scan.
  3. Set the number of rows to scan at a time.
  4. Set the number of versions to scan.
  5. Request the next set of results from the server.
  6. wait_for_scan(): wait for the rpc call to complete.


  // now, scan the entire table
    hb_scanner_t scanner = NULL;
    hb_scanner_create(client, &scanner);
    hb_scanner_set_table(scanner, table_name, table_name_len);
    hb_scanner_set_num_max_rows(scanner, 3);  // maximum 3 rows at a time
    hb_scanner_set_num_versions(scanner, 10); // up to 10 versions of the cell
    hb_scanner_next(scanner, scan_callback, NULL); // dispatch the call