Spark - 2101 (EEP 6.3.2) Release Notes

This section provides reference information, including new features, patches, and known issues for Spark 2.4.4.

The notes below relate specifically to the HPE Distribution for Apache Hadoop. For more information, you may also wish to consult the open-source Spark 2.4.4 Release Notes.

These release notes contain only HPE-specific information and are not necessarily cumulative in nature. For information about how to use the release notes, see Ecosystem Component Release Notes.

Spark Version 2.4.4
Release Date January 2021
MapR Version Interoperability See Component Versions for Released EEPs and EEP Components and OS Support.
Source on GitHub
GitHub Release Tag 2.4.4-mapr-2101
Maven Artifacts
Package Names Navigate to and select your EEP and OS to view the list of package names.
  • Beginning with EEP 6.0.0, the keyStore and trustStore password can be removed from spark-defaults.conf and set in /opt/mapr/conf/ssl-client.xml.
  • Beginning with EEP 6.0.0, after an upgrade, the previous version's configuration files are saved in the /opt/mapr/spark directory.
  • MapR 6.1.0 with EEP 6.0.0 and later support simplified security. If you enable security on your MapR cluster, MapR scripts automatically configure Spark security features.

Hive Support

This version of Spark supports integration with Hive, but has the following exceptions:

New in This Release


This HPE release includes the following new fixes since the latest data-fabric Spark release. For details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

GitHub Commit Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Comment
93c13d1 2020/09/17 MapR [SPARK-795] - extended logging for Spark Streaming and Structured Streaming
4a16ca2 2020/10/26 MapR [SPARK-703] Fix org.codehaus.jackson vulnerability
86dcb1f 2020/10/29 MapR [SPARK-790] Update XercesImpl to 2.12.0 or newer for mapr-ojai-driver
6947744 2020/11/03 MapR [SPARK-804] sparkContext.loadFromMapRDB throwing RuntimeException in scala code
d627e2b 2020/11/19 MapR [SPARK-812] Update Ant version to avoid CVE-2020-1945
39aeff0 2020/11/22 MapR [SPARK-819] CVE-2019-0205: Update Thrift version to v0.13.0
05138f5 2020/11/30 [SPARK-33405][BUILD][2.4] Upgrade commons-compress to 1.20
6bf5fc0 2020/11/30 MapR [SPARK-822] WS-2019-0379: update commons-codec jar for spark
fbca5d3 2020/12/03 [SPARK-31095][BUILD][2.4] Upgrade netty-all to 4.1.47.Final
cb91f89 2020/12/09 MapR [SPARK-824] CVE-2020-11612: Netty vulnerabilities
141fd70 2020/12/21 MapR [SPARK-831] Can't download event logs from SHS for spark 2.4.4
4e96618 2020/12/29 MapR [SPARK-832] Multiple Vulnerabilities including Spark and hive jars found
7bba98f 2021/01/04 MapR [SPARK-776] IllegalArgumentException: Null user is thrown when using some methods from SparkContext

Known Issues

  • None.

Resolved Issues

  • None.