Using a Local, Shared Repository With the Installer

The Installer can use a local repository instead of an Internet repository.

When you run the script, it attempts to connect to and configures an Internet repository. If there is no Internet connectivity, the script asks for archive files so that it can create a local repository.

NOTE Passing -a <full path each archive file> to the script bypasses the Internet connectivity check and automatically creates a local repository with the provided archive files.

To install with a local, shared repository, the node that runs needs the following:

NOTE Red Hat clusters must have access to a local EPEL repository, as described in Set Up the Data Fabric Repository: RHEL/CentOS. The EPEL repository enables installation of these packages:
  • clustershell
  • pdsh
  • pdsh-rcmd-ssh
  • sshpass*

*Before installing a cluster on a SLES image, you must install sshpass, as described in Adding the Data Fabric Repository on SUSE.

After downloading the script and the archive files to the node that will run the Installer, run the following command from the directory that contains the script:
bash ./ -a <full path to the archive files>