Uninstalling the S3 Gateway

Describes how to stop the Object Store service and remove the packages for an edge node or server node.

Uninstalling from an Edge Node

To uninstall the S3 gateway from an edge node, you must stop the service and then delete the package from the node:
  1. Stop the S3 gateway service:
    sudo /opt/mapr/objectstore-client/objectstore-client-<version>/bin/objectstore.sh stop
  2. Delete the packages from the system:
    • Ubuntu
      sudo apt remove mapr-objectstore-client --purge
    • RedHat/CentOS
      sudo yum remove mapr-objectstore-client
    • SLES
      sudo zypper remove mapr-objectstore-client

Uninstalling from a Server Node

To uninstall the S3 gateway from a server node, you must stop the service and then delete the packages from the node:
  1. Stop the S3 gateway service:
    /opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node services -name objectstore -nodes node_name -action stop
  2. Delete the packages from the system:
    • Ubuntu
      sudo apt remove mapr-objectstore-gateway --purge 
      sudo apt remove mapr-objectstore-client --purge
    • RedHat/CentOS
      sudo yum remove mapr-objectstore-gateway 
      sudo yum remove mapr-objectstore-client
    • SLES
      sudo zypper remove mapr-objectstore-gateway 
      sudo zypper remove mapr-objectstore-client