Adding the Data Fabric Repository on SUSE

This section describes how to install the Data Fabric repository.


To verify that a SUSE release is supported by the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric, see Operating System Support Matrix.


  1. Change to the root user or use sudo.
  2. Use the following command to add the repository for data-fabric packages, replacing <version> with the version of data-fabric software that you want to install:
    IMPORTANT For SUSE distributions, if your user name is an email address that includes special characters – such as the @ symbol – you must URL encode the special characters so that the correct email address is passed to the authentication protocols in the repository. For most email addresses, changing the @ symbol to %40 is sufficient. For example:

    Unencoded email address:

    URL encoded email address:

    To encode other special characters, see "URL Encoded Emails" at HPE Software Delivery Repository.

    zypper ar https://<email>:<token><version>/suse/ maprtech
  3. Use the following command to add the repository for ecosystem packages: (For the correct paths for all past releases, see the Data Fabric Repositories and Packages.)
    zypper ar https://<email>:<token><version>/suse/ maprecosystem
  4. If your connection to the Internet is through a proxy server, you must set the http_proxy environment variable before installation:
                  export http_proxy
  5. Update the system package index by running the following command:
    zypper refresh
  6. data-fabric packages require a compatibility package in order to install and run on SUSE. Execute the following command to install the SUSE compatibility package:
    zypper install mapr-compat-suse

Installing sshpass

About this task

Before installing a cluster on a SUSE image, you must run the following command to install sshpass:
zypper --non-interactive -q --no-gpg-checks -p install sshpass