Specifying Ports

About this task

On installations where the file system instances, CLDB, and/or MAST Gateway must be reached on non-standard ports, you can specify the ports to advertise in the MAPR_EXTERNAL, CLDB_EXTERNAL_RPC_PORT, and MASTGATEWAY_EXTERNAL_RPC_PORT environment variables respectively. This setting does not change the ports used by the servers, but changes the ports advertised to clients (to support port forwarding).

If the cluster nodes are no longer reachable on the standard ports, you can specify ports for file system using the MAPR_EXTERNAL environment variable. MAPR_EXTERNAL allows the specification of the advertised ports for the file system instances only; this environment variable cannot be used to specify ports for CLDB or the MAST Gateway. Instead, use CLDB_EXTERNAL_RPC_PORT environment variable to specify port for CLDB and MASTGATEWAY_EXTERNAL_RPC_PORT environment variable to specify port for MAST Gateway. If ZooKeeper is not available on the default port or if there are multiple ZooKeepers listening on the same external IP address, you can specify ports for each ZooKeeper using the configure.sh utility.

See the following sections for more information on setting the ports.

Specifying Ports for file system

About this task

If the port forwarding table is set up, ports must be configured for every file system node on every file system instance. For more information on the number of ports used by file system instance(s), see Ports Used by HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Software. To specify the ports for file system:


  1. Open the $MAPR_HOME/conf/env_override.sh file. If the env_override.sh file is not present, you might have to create it. See About env_override.sh.
  2. Set the value for the MAPR_EXTERNAL environment variable.
    The value for the MAPR_EXTERNAL environment variable is a comma-separated list of IP addresses and colon-separated list of ports (to use for port forwarding).

    For example:

    export MAPR_EXTERNAL=;9000,9001,9002,9003

    The following example shows 3 file system instances with 4 ports:

    export MAPR_EXTERNAL=;9000,9001,9002,9003:10000,10001,10002,10003:11000,11001,11002,11003

    To specify:

    • Multiple IP addresses, use comma to separate the IP addresses.
    • Ports for multiple instances, use:
      • comma (,) to separate the ports for an instance
      • colon (:) to separate the set of ports for each instance

    If ports are not specified, file system is assumed to be reachable on the default ports.

  3. Save and close the $MAPR_HOME/conf/env_override.sh file.

Specifying Ports for CLDB

About this task

The default port for CLDB is 7222. If you want to use another port:


  1. Open the $MAPR_HOME/conf/env_override.sh file on the CLDB host(s). If the env_override.sh file is not present, you might have to create it. See About env_override.sh.
  2. Set the value for the CLDB_EXTERNAL_RPC_PORT environment variable in the file.
    The value for this environment variable is the port to use for CLDB.

    For example:

    export CLDB_EXTERNAL_RPC_PORT=5000

    This is especially useful if HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric is installed in a Docker container or other guest hosts. If this is not set, CLDB must be reachable on the default port 7222.

  3. Save and close the $MAPR_HOME/conf/env_override.sh file.
  4. Ensure that the mapr-clusters.conf file on the client host(s) contains the correct port number for CLDB.

What to do next

NOTE After setting this environment variable, make sure that cldb.feature.external.ip is enabled if you upgraded from a prior version of MapR to v6.0. For more information on enabling this feature, see Step 4: Enable New Features.

Specifying Port for MAST Gateway

About this task

The default port for MAST Gateway is 8660. If you want to use another port:


  1. Open the $MAPR_HOME/conf/env_override.sh file on the MAST Gateway host(s). If the env_override.sh file is not present, you might have to create it. See About env_override.sh.
  2. Set the value for the MASTGATEWAY_EXTERNAL_RPC_PORT environment variable in the file.
    The value for this environment variable is the port to use for MAST Gateway.

    For example:


    If this is not set, MAST Gateway must be reachable on the default port 8660.

  3. Save and close the $MAPR_HOME/conf/env_override.sh file.

Specifying Ports for ZooKeeper

About this task

If ZooKeeper is not available on the default port or if all the ZooKeepers are listening on the same external IP address (such as in a Docker container), you can specify the port on which to reach each ZooKeeper. To specify the port on which to reach each ZooKeeper, during cluster configuration:


Run the configure.sh utility with the -EZ option.
The value for the -EZ option is a comma-separated list of external IP addresses of the ZooKeeper nodes and the port (for each IP address), separated by a colon, on which ZooKeeper can be reached. For example:
/opt/mapr/server/configure.sh -C <IP|Hostname>[,<IP|Hostname>,...] -Z <IP|Hostname>[,<IP|Hostname>,...] \ 
-EZ <IP|Hostname>:<Port>[,<IP|Hostname>:<Port>,...] 
For example, you can specify:
  • Different ports when the same external IP address is used for all ZooKeeper nodes as shown below:
    /opt/mapr/server/configure.sh -C,172,17.0.3, -Z,172,17.0.3, \
    -EZ,, -N my.cluster.com
  • Same ports when different IP addresses are specified for ZooKeeper nodes:
    /opt/mapr/server/configure.sh -C,172,17.0.3, -Z,172,17.0.3, \
    -EZ,, -N my.cluster.com

Configuring MR AppMaster Port Mapping


  1. Set the yarn.app.mapreduce.am.job.client.port-range parameter in the yarn-site.xml file to specific range of free ports in all the NodeManager nodes.
    Specify the range of ports that the MapReduce AppMaster can use when binding. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want all possible ports. For example:
    NOTE Each Docker instance where NodeManager is running should have different range and the range should be different across all NodeManager nodes.
    For example:
    The yarn-site.xml file in docker container 1:
    The yarn-site.xml file in docker container 2:
    The yarn-site.xml file in docker container 3:
  2. Set the port forwarding rules in host machine for these specific ranges.
    For example, if NM1 contains ranges from 50000 to 50050, then set the IP table rules such that when requests come on these ports, it is forwarded to NM1.
  3. Specify the AWS or Docker host name for the IP address in the /etc/hosts file on the client system so that external clients can resolve Docker or AWS hostname properly when running the jobs.
    For example, your entry in the /etc/hosts file should look similar to the following: ip-10-10-0-103.ec2.internal