dashboard info

Displays a summary of information about the cluster.


/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli dashboard info
    [ -cluster <cluster name> ]
    [ -multi_cluster_info true|false]
    [ -version true|false ]
    [ -zkconnect <ZooKeeper connect string> ] 
NOTE The -json option is required.
Request Type GET
Request URL




cluster The cluster on which to run the command. By default, the cluster is the local cluster.
multi_cluster_info Specifies whether to display cluster information from multiple clusters.

Values: true or false. Default: false.

version Specifies whether to display the version. Values: true or false. Default: false.
zkconnect Common Parameters
json Formats the output.


The following table summarizes information about the services, volumes, MapReduce applications, health, and utilization of the cluster.

Output Fields




The time at which the dashboard info data is retrieved, expressed as a Unix epoch time.

timeofday The local time and date of the query.


The success status of the dashboard info command.


The number of clusters for which data is queried in the dashboard info command.


The MapR software version running on the cluster.


Determines the following information about the cluster:

  • name — the cluster name
  • secure — whether the cluster is secure or not. Value: true (if enabled) or false (if disabled)
  • dare — whether the cluster is enabled for data at rest encryption or not. Value: true (if enabled) or false (if disabled)
  • ip — the IP address of the active CLDB
  • id — the cluster ID
  • nodesUsed — number of nodes in the cluster
  • totalNodesAllowed — number of allowed nodes


The number and size (in GiB) of volumes that are:

  • Mounted
  • Unmounted


The following summarizes utilization information:

  • CPU — utilization, total and active. CPU utilization % is calculated as (100% - idle%) on each node and then averaged across all nodes where hoststats is running.
  • Memory — total and active (in MiB).
  • Disk space — total and active (in GiB).
  • Compression — compressed and uncompressed data size
  • Tiering — following cluster-level tiering information:
    • Local — amount of user data stored in tiered volumes (in GiB). This amount is independent of storage system operations relative to compression, replication, or offloading to a warm (erasure-coded) or cold tier.
    • replicatedLogicalUsed — amount of user data stored in tiered volumes (in GiB) multiplied by the configured replication factor for hot tier volume(s).

      This value is calculated as follows: logicalUsed by volume * number of replicas configured for the hot tier. This value does not change as file data is removed from the hot tier and erasure-coded to the warm tier.

    • replicatedTotalUsed — amount of user data (after compression, if any) and snapshot user data (after compression, if any) stored in tiered volumes (in GiB) multiplied by the configured replication factor(s) for the hot tier volume(s).

      This value is calculated as follows: (logical user data after compression used by volume + logical user data after compression in snapshots) * number of replicas configured for the hot tier . This value does not include EC-backend volumes and cache volumes since their replicatedTotalUsed is already accounted for by the front-end and parent volumes respectively.

    • metaDBUsedMB — disk space (in MiB) used by the metadata volume associated with the tier.
    • replicatedMetaDBUsedMB — disk space (in MiB) used by the metadata volume associated with the tier multiplied by the configured replication factor for the hot tier.
    • Cold Offloaded — total physical data (in GiB) offloaded to the cold tier.

      This value is calculated as follows: amount of data purged from the hot tier (MapR Data Platform data-fabric cluster) + amount of data recalled to the hot tier (MapR data-fabric cluster).

    • recalled — total physical data (in GiB) recalled from the cold tier.

      This value is calculated as follows: amount of data recalled to the hot tier (MapR cluster) + total amount of disk space used by the cache volume.

    • cvTotalUsed — total disk space (in GiB) used by all the cache-volumes. At the volume level, for mirror volumes, this is the total size of the cache volume and its replicas.
    • replicatedCvTotalUsed — total disk space (in GiB) used by all the cache volumes and associated replicas.
    • Warm Offloaded — amount of logical user data (in GiB), after being reduced to account for compression, that has been written to the warm tier (erasure-coded).

    • ecRecalled — total physical data (in GiB) recalled from the erasure-coded volume (warm-tier).

      This value is calculated as follows: amount of data recalled to the hot tier (MapR cluster) + total amount of disk space used by the cache volume.

    • ecTotalUsed — physical storage used by the warm tier to store user data that is warm-tiered (erasure-coded).

      This value includes the disk space used by the parity fragments.


The following cluster replication information:

  • bytesReceived
  • bytesSend

The following stream throughput information:

  • bytesProduced
  • bytesConsumed
label_stats Information about the labels registered and assigned.


The number of active, stopped, failed, and total installed services on the cluster, for example:

  • API server
  • CLDB
  • Fileserver
  • File Migrate
  • ResourceManager
  • NodeManager
  • NFSv4
  • hoststats
  • MAST Gateway


The following mapreduce information:

  • Running applications
  • Queued applications
  • Number of NodeManagers
  • Total memory
  • Total VCores
  • Total disks
  • Used memory
  • Used VCores
  • Used disks


Display dashboard information:

# maprcli dashboard info -json
        "timeofday":"2020-09-03 06:16:00.056 GMT-0700 AM",
                                "num jobs":0,
                                "active containers":0,
                                "resync containers":0,
                                "mirrored datasize mb":0,
                                "remaining datasize mb":0,
                                "completion pcnt":0
curl -u mapr:mapr -X GET  -k "https://host:8443/rest/dashboard/info"
{"timestamp":1599139171576,"timeofday":"2020-09-03 06:19:31.576 GMT-0700 AM","status":"OK","total":1,"data":[{"version":"","cluster":{"name":"my.cluster.com","secure":true,"dare":false,"globalPolicyMaster":true,"ip":"","id":"2812007637544940359","nodesUsed":1,"totalNodesAllowed":-1},"volumes":{"mounted":{"total":17,"size":6659},"unmounted":{"total":2,"size":1}},"mirrors":{"num jobs":0,"active containers":0,"resync containers":0,"mirrored datasize mb":0,"remaining datasize mb":0,"completion pcnt":0},"utilization":{"cpu":{"util":30,"total":8,"active":2},"memory":{"total":23911,"active":23166},"disk_space":{"total":287,"active":6},"compression":{"compressed":6,"uncompressed":6},"tiering":{"logicalUsed":0,"replicatedLogicalUsed":0,"replicatedTotalUsed":0,"metaDBUsedMB":0,"replicatedMetaDBUsedMB":0,"offloaded":0,"recalled":0,"cvTotalUsed":0,"replicatedCvTotalUsed":0,"ecOffloaded":0,"ecRecalled":0,"ecTotalUsed":0}},"clusterReplication":{"bytesReceived":0,"bytesSend":0},"streamThroughput":{"bytesProduced":46802771481,"bytesConsumed":46804959666},"services":{"hbaserest":{"active":1,"stopped":0,"failed":0,"total":1},"hbasethrift":{"active":1,"standby":0,"stopped":0,"failed":0,"total":1},"fileserver":{"active":1,"stopped":0,"failed":0,"total":1},"grafana":{"active":1,"stopped":0,"failed":0,"total":1},"cldb":{"active":1,"stopped":0,"failed":0,"total":1},"mastgateway":{"active":1,"stopped":0,"failed":0,"total":1},"opentsdb":{"active":1,"stopped":0,"failed":0,"total":1},"gateway":{"active":1,"stopped":0,"failed":0,"total":1},"hoststats":{"active":1,"stopped":0,"failed":0,"total":1},"collectd":{"active":1,"stopped":0,"failed":0,"total":1},"apiserver":{"active":1,"stopped":0,"failed":0,"total":1}}}]}