config save

Saves configuration information, specified as key/value pairs. Permissions required: fc or a.

See the Configuration Fields table.

WARNING Changing cluster configuration may have an impact on the way the cluster functions. Make sure you understand the change well or else make the change under the guidance of MapR support.


maprcli config save
         [ -cluster cluster name ]
         -test test only. default: 0
         -values JSON Object to comprise all config properties to save
Request Type POST
Request URL


Parameter Description
cluster The cluster on which to run the command.
values A JSON object containing configuration fields; see the Configuration Fields table.
test Set this to 1 to test SMTP configuration without actually saving the values. The system sends a test email to check if the configuration is correct. This parameter is applicable only for SMTP configuration.


Configure MapR SMTP settings:

/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli config save -values '{"mapr.smtp.provider":"gmail","mapr.smtp.server":"","mapr.smtp.sslrequired":"true","mapr.smtp.port":"465","mapr.smtp.sender.fullname":"Ab  Cd","":"","mapr.smtp.sender.username":"","mapr.smtp.sender.password":"abc"}'
REST{"mapr.smtp.provider":"gmail","mapr.smtp.server":"","mapr.smtp.sslrequired":"true","mapr.smtp.port":"465","mapr.smtp.sender.fullname":"Ab  Cd","":"","mapr.smtp.sender.username":"","mapr.smtp.sender.password":"abc"}
NOTE The maximum number of volumes that can be balanced at a time is 1000.