Checking the Status of Oozie

IMPORTANT This component is deprecated. Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends using an alternate product. For more information, see Discontinued Ecosystem Components.

Once Oozie is installed, you can check the status using the command line or the Oozie web console. The <oozie_port_number> noted in the URLs depend on whether your cluster is secure.

Check Status from Command Line

Use the oozie admin command:
/opt/mapr/oozie/oozie-<version>/bin/oozie admin -oozie http(s)://<oozie_node>:<oozie_port_number>/oozie -status
The following output indicates normal operation:
System mode: NORMAL

Check Status from the Oozie Web Console

Point your browser to http://<oozie_node>:<oozie_port_number>/oozie

  • For non-secure clusters:
    Oozie url: http://<oozie_node>:11000/oozie
  • For secure clusters:
    Oozie url: https://<oozie_node>:11443/oozie