Using Multiple YARN Clusters

This topic describes how to create multiple YARN clusters and to run Hadoop jobs in a multiple YARN cluster environment.

IMPORTANT This component is deprecated. Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends using an alternate product. For more information, see Discontinued Ecosystem Components.

Multiple YARN clusters are created in the Mesos environment when multiple Myriad frameworks are each running a Resource Manager. Where there are multiple YARN clusters, clients must specify a cluster name prefix to identify which cluster the Hadoop job should be run on.

Creating Multiple YARN Clusters

The Resource Manager spawns Node Managers and Job History Service processes which form a cluster. To create multiple YARN clusters, a Resource Manager is run under the Myriad framework along with the cluster name prefix. The cluster name prefix differentiates between staging, system, and local volume MapReduce directories.

NOTE The cluster name prefix setting is a value of the property in the yarn-site.xml file. Also, you must set it an an envSettings variable for each service on a cluster. For example, the following show the setting for jobHistoryServer:
     jvmMaxMemoryMB: 64
     cpus: 0.5
       myriad.mapreduce.jobhistory.admin.address: 10033
       myriad.mapreduce.jobhistory.address: 10020
       myriad.mapreduce.jobhistory.webapp.address: 19888
     taskName: jobhistory
     command: $YARN_HOME/bin/mapred historyserver
     maxInstances: 1

Cluster name prefix and Resource Manager parameters:

-Dyarn.resourcemanager.hostname=<RM appName>.marathon.mesos<clusterNamePrefix>

For example, the and yarn.resourcemanager.hostname properties are both framework1 in the yarn-site.xml file:

env && export
&&/opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.0/bin/yarn resourcemanager

Running Jobs from the Client-side

When running Hadoop jobs from clients within a multiple YARN cluster environment, additional parameters are required. In this scenario, one client could submit jobs to a specific YARN cluster and a second client could submit jobs to a completely different YARN cluster. The following parameters are specified when multiple YARN clusters are implemented.
Table 1. Multi-cluster Parameters used from the Client-side
Parameter Parameter Values Description /<clusterNamePrefix> Prefix for each Myriad cluster name. This is the top-level directory where all the staging and shuffle data is written for a specific Myriad framework. Specified by the -MCL parameter when running See Configure Myriad for more information.
yarn.resourcemanager.hostname <RM appName>.marathon.mesos Mesos hostname for Resource Manager. Specified by the -RM parameter when running See Configure Myriad for more information.
yarn.resourcemanager.dir /var/mapr/cluster/yarn/<clusterNamePrefix>/rm Directory for Resource Manager specific data. The directory is based on the cluster name prefix specified by the -MCL parameter when running See Configure Myriad for more information. . /<clusterNamePrefix>/nodeManager Directory for local volume MapReduce specific data. The directory is based on the cluster name prefix.

Command-line Parameters<clusterNamePrefix>
-Dyarn.resourcemanager.hostname=<RM appName>.marathon.mesos

For example, where the and yarn.resourcemanager.hostname properties are both framework1:

hadoop jar 
/opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.0/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.7.0-mapr-1506-SNAPSHOT.jar wordcount 
/test.log test.out

yarn-site.xml Properties

Alternatively, rather than specifying these parameters dynamically, add them to the client-side yarn-site.xml file.

For example, where the and yarn.resourcemanager.hostname properties are both framework1:

// Property example for
// Property example for yarn.resourcemanager.hostname

// Property example for yarn.resourcemanager.dir
// Property example for