Managing Topics with Java

Provides Java code snippets for performing CRUD operations on MapR Event Store For Apache Kafka stream topics.

Creating Topics

The createTopic API is used to create a topic with the default number of partitions.

Admin.createTopic(String streamPathAndName, String topicName)
NOTE If you do not specify the number of partitions for a stream topic, the default number of partitions is inherited from the stream.
public void createTopicUtilFunction(String streamPathAndName, String topicName) throws IOException{
        Configuration conf = new Configuration();
        Admin streamAdmin = Streams.newAdmin(conf);
        streamAdmin.createTopic(streamPathAndName, topicName);

The createTopic API is used to create a topic with a specific number of partitions.

Admin.createTopic(String streamPathAndName, String topicName, int npartitions)
public void createTopicWithPartitionsUtilFunction(String streamPathAndName, String topicName, int npartitions) throws IOException{
        Configuration conf = new Configuration();
        Admin streamAdmin = Streams.newAdmin(conf);
        streamAdmin.createTopic(streamPathAndName, topicName, npartitions);

Editing Topics

The editTopic API is used to change timestamp type and the number of partitions for a topic.

Admin.editTopic(String streamPathAndName, String topicName, int npartitions)
public void editTopicUtilFunction(String streamPathAndName, String topicName, int npartitions) throws IOException{
        Configuration conf = new Configuration();
        Admin streamAdmin = Streams.newAdmin(conf);
        streamAdmin.editTopic(streamPathAndName, topicName, npartitions);

Retrieving Topic Attributes

The getTopicDescriptor API is used to get or set the topic's attribute values. TopicDescriptor is passed into methods to set and retrieve topic partitions and timestamp type. The Enum TimestampType values are CREATE_TIME and LOG_APPEND_TIME.
NOTE TopicDescriptor is available as of MapR 6.0.1.

Deleting Topics

The deleteTopic API is used to delete a topic from a stream.

Admin.deleteTopic(String streamPathAndName, String topicName)
public void deleteTopicUtilFunction(String streamPathAndName, String topicName) throws IOException{
        Configuration conf = new Configuration();
        Admin streamAdmin = Streams.newAdmin(conf);
        streamAdmin.deleteTopic(streamPathAndName, topicName);

Counting Topics

The countTopics API is used to count the number of topics in a stream. See the mapr streamanalyzer utility for a sample application that counts and queries topic messages.

Admin.countTopics(String streamPathAndName)
public int countTopicsUtilFunction(String streamPathAndName){
        Configuration conf = new Configuration();
        Admin streamAdmin = Streams.newAdmin(conf);
        int count = streamAdmin.countTopics(streamPathAndName);
        return count;