Configuration Properties for MapR Event Store For Apache Kafka C Client

This topic describes the configuration properties supported by the MapR Event Store For Apache Kafka C Client. This includes librdkafka configuration properties that MapR Event Store For Apache Kafka supports and additional properties that are specific to MapR Event Store For Apache Kafka.

Global Configuration Properties

Property Name Behavior Same as librdkafka.

See Configuring Properties for Message Size.

receive.message.max.bytes See Configuring Properties for Message Size.
topic.blacklist Same as librdkafka.
error_cb Same as librdkafka.
opaque Same as librdkafka. Same as librdkafka.
enable.partition.eof Same as librdkafka. Available as of librdkafka 0.11.3. Supported as of MapR Data Platform 6.0.1.
queue.buffering.max.kbytes Same as librdkafka. Available as of librdkafka 0.11.3. Supported as of MapR Data Platform 6.0.1.

Consumer Configuration Properties

Property Name Behavior
default_topic_conf Same as librdkafka. Same as librdkafka. Same as librdkafka. Same as librdkafka.
rebalance_cb Same as librdkafka.
offset_commit_cb Same as librdkafka. Same as librdkafka.
dr_msg_cb Same as librdkafka.

Topic Configuration

Property Name Behavior
partitioner_cb Same as librdkafka.
auto.offset.reset Supports the following values: beginning, end, earliest, latest, none, smallest, and largest. As of MapR Data Platform 6.0.1, beginning and end are supported.
NOTE librdkafka additionally supports error.

MapR Data Platform-Specific Configurations

Property Name Behavior Specifies the path and name of the stream that the consumer subscribes to if, when subscribing to a topic, the consumer does not specify a stream. For example, the consumer can specify the name of a stream together with the name of a topic to write to, like this: /<stream>:<topic>.
NOTE rd_kafka_list groups API uses this consumer configuration to obtain the consumer groups.
streams.parallel.flushers.per.partition Enables the producer to have multiple parallel send requests to the server for each topic partition. When this property is set to true, the default value, it is possible for messages to be sent out of order. Specifies the stream that the producer will use by default if the producer does not provide the name of a stream when specifying a topic to write to. For example, the producer can specify the name of a stream together with the name of a topic to write to, like this: /<stream>:<topic>. However, if the stream is not specified, the value of this configuration parameter is assumed to be the stream in which the topic is located. If the producer specifies the name of a topic without also providing the path and name of the stream, and there is no value for this configuration parameter, MapR Event Store For Apache Kafka assumes that the topic specified is in Apache Kafka and does nothing.

Additional Information

For more information, see rdkafka.h.