Admin Method Support

This topic lists the methods that the MapR Database supports in the HBase interface Admin.

The MapR Database tables support the following HBase methods, except where noted.

abort(String why, Throwable e)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Aborts the server or client
Supported: No
addColumn(TableName tableName, HColumnDescriptor column)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Adds a column to an existing table
Supported: Yes
assign(byte[] regionName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Assigns a region
Supported: No
Modifier and Type: boolean
Purpose: Invokes the balancer
NOTE The MapR Database does not require balancing. Therefore, the method is ignored.
Supported: No
cloneSnapshot(byte[] snapshotName, TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Creates a new table by cloning the snapshot content
Supported: No
cloneSnapshot(String snapshotName, TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Creates a new table by cloning the snapshot content
Supported: No
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Releases any resources held
Supported: Yes
closeRegion(byte[] regionname, String serverName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Closes a region
Supported: No
closeRegion(ServerName sn, HRegionInfo hri)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Closes a region
Supported: No
closeRegion(String regionname, String serverName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Closes a region
Supported: No
closeRegionWithEncodedRegionName(String encodedRegionName, String serverName)
Modifier and Type: boolean
Purpose: For expert administrators.
Supported: No
compact(TableName tableName, byte[] columnFamily)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Compacts a column family within a table
Supported: No
compact(TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Compacts a table
Supported: No
compactRegion(byte[] regionName, byte[] columnFamily)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Compacts a column family within a region
Supported: No
compactRegion(byte[] regionName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Compacts an individual region
Supported: No
compactRegionServer(ServerName sn, boolean major)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Compacts all regions on the region server
Supported: No
Modifier and Type: CoprocessorRpcChannel
Purpose: Creates and returns a RpcChannel instance connected to the active master
Supported: No
coprocessorService(ServerName sn)
Modifier and Type: CoprocessorRpcChannel
Purpose: Creates and returns a RpcChannel instance connected to the active master
Supported: No
createNamespace(NamespaceDescriptor descriptor)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Creates a new namespace
Supported: No
createTable(HTableDescriptor desc, byte[] startKey, byte[] endKey, int numRegions)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Creates a new table with the specified number of regions
Supported: Yes
createTable(HTableDescriptor desc, byte[][] splitKeys)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Creates a new table with an initial set of empty regions defined by the specified split keys
Supported: Yes
createTable(HTableDescriptor desc)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Creates a new table
Supported: Yes
createTableAsync(HTableDescriptor desc, byte[][] splitKeys)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Creates a new table but does not block and wait for it to come online
NOTE The MapR Database treats this method as synchronous and returns null when the table is created.
Supported: Yes
deleteColumn(String tableName, String columnName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Deletes a column from a table
Supported: Yes
deleteColumn(TableName tableName, byte[] columnName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Deletes a column from a table
Supported: Yes
deleteNamespace(String name)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Deletes an existing namespace.
Supported: No
deleteSnapshot(byte[] snapshotName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Deletes an existing snapshot
Supported: No
deleteSnapshot(String snapshotName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Deletes an existing snapshot
Supported: No
deleteSnapshots(Pattern pattern)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Deletes existing snapshots whose names match the specified pattern
Supported: No
deleteSnapshots(String regex)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Deletes existing snapshots whose names match the specified pattern
Supported: No
deleteTable(String tableName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Deletes a table
Supported: Yes
deleteTable(byte[] tableName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Deletes a table
Supported: Yes
deleteTable(TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Deletes a table
Supported: Yes
deleteTables(Pattern pattern)
Modifier and Type: HTableDescriptor[]
Purpose: Delete tables that match the passed-in pattern, and waits on completion
Supported: Yes
deleteTables(String regex)
Modifier and Type: HTableDescriptor[]
Purpose: Delete tables that match the passed-in regular expression, and waits on completion
Supported: Yes
disableTable (String tableName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Disables table, and waits for completion
NOTE The MapR Database does not require disabling of tables. Therefore, although it supports these methods, it only flags the table as disabled, and does not perform any other operation.
Supported: Yes
disableTable(TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Disables table, and waits for completion
NOTE The MapR Database does not require disabling of tables. Therefore, although it supports these methods, it only flags the table as disabled, and does not perform any other operation.
Supported: Yes
disableTableAsync (String tableName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Disables the table, but does not block and wait for it be completely disabled
Supported: Yes
disableTableAsync(TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Disables the table, but does not block and wait for it be completely disabled
Supported: Yes
disableTables(Pattern pattern)
Modifier and Type: HTableDescriptor[]
Purpose: Disables tables that match the passed-in pattern, and waits on completion
Supported: Yes
disableTables(String regex)
Modifier and Type: HTableDescriptor[]
Purpose: Disable tables that match the passed-in regular expression, and waits on completion
Supported: Yes
enableCatalogJanitor(boolean enable)
Modifier and Type: boolean
Purpose: Enables/Disables the catalog janitor
Supported: No
enableTable(String tableName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Enables a table
NOTE The MapR Database does not require enabling of tables. Therefore, although it supports this method, it only flags the table as enabled, and does not perform any other operation.
Supported: Yes
enableTable(bye[] tableName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Enables a table
NOTE The MapR Database does not require enabling of tables. Therefore, although it supports this method, it only flags the table as enabled, and does not perform any other operation.
Supported: Yes
enableTable(TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Enables a table
NOTE The MapR Database does not require enabling of tables. Therefore, although it supports this method, it only flags the table as enabled, and does not perform any other operation.
Supported: Yes
enableTableAsync (String tableName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Enables the table, but does not block and wait for it be completely enabled
Supported: Yes
enableTableAsync(TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Enables the table, but does not block and wait for it be completely enabled
Supported: Yes
enableTables(Pattern pattern)
Modifier and Type: HTableDescriptor[]
Purpose: Enable tables that match the passed-in pattern, and waits on completion
Supported: Yes
enableTables(String regex)
Modifier and Type: HTableDescriptor[]
Purpose: Enable tables that match the passed-in regular expression. and waits on completion
Supported: Yes
execProcedure(String signature, String instance, Map<String,String> props)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Executes a distributed procedure on a cluster
Supported: No
execProcedureWithRet(String signature, String instance, Map<String,String> props)
Modifier and Type: >byte[]
Purpose: Executes a distributed procedure on a cluster.
Supported: No
flush(TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: >void
Purpose: Flushes a table
Supported: Yes
flush(byte[] tableNameOrRegionName)
Modifier and Type: >void
Purpose: Flushes a table
Supported: Yes
flush(String tableNameOrRegionName)
Modifier and Type: >void
Purpose: Flushes a table
Supported: Yes
flushRegion(byte[] regionName)
Modifier and Type: >void
Purpose: Flushes an individual region
Supported: Yes
getAlterStatus(byte[] tableName)
Modifier and Type: Pair<Integer,Integer>
Purpose: Gets the status of the alter command - indicates the number of regions that have received the updated schema Asynchronous operation
NOTE The MapR Database always returns (0,0).
Supported: No
getAlterStatus(TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: Pair<Integer,Integer>
Purpose: Gets the status of the alter command - indicates the number of regions that have received the updated schema Asynchronous operation
NOTE The MapR Database always returns (0,0).
Supported: No
Modifier and Type: ClusterStatus
Purpose: Gets the status of the cluster
Supported: No
getCompactionState(String tableNameOrRegionName)
Modifier and Type: CompactionState
Purpose: Get the current compaction state of a table
Supported: No
getCompactionState(TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetRegionInfoResponse.CompactionState
Purpose: Gets the current compaction state of a table
Supported: No
getCompactionStateForRegion(byte[] regionName)
Modifier and Type: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetRegionInfoResponse.CompactionState
Purpose: Gets the current compaction state of a region
Supported: No
Modifier and Type: org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
Purpose: Gets the configuration used by the instance
Supported: Yes
Modifier and Type: Connection
Purpose: Gets the connection used by this object
Supported: Yes
Modifier and Type: String[]
Purpose: Helper delegate to getClusterStatus().getMasterCoprocessors()
Supported: No
Modifier and Type: int
Purpose: Gets the information port of the current master, if one is available
Supported: No
getNamespaceDescriptor(String name)
Modifier and Type: NamespaceDescriptor
Purpose: Gets a namespace descriptor by name
Supported: No
getOnlineRegions(ServerName sn)
Modifier and Type: List<HRegionInfo>
Purpose: Gets all the online regions on a region server
Supported: No
Modifier and Type: int
Purpose: The MapR Database never uses the timeout value
NOTE If you use the v1.1 API with the MapR Database, the method is ignored.
Supported: No
getQuotaRetriever(QuotaFilter filter)
Modifier and Type: QuotaRetriever
Purpose: Returns a QuotaRetriever to list the quotas based on the filter
Supported: No
getTableDescriptor (byte[] tableName)
Modifier and Type: HTableDescriptor
Purpose: Gets the table descriptor
Supported: Yes
getTableDescriptor(TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: HTableDescriptor
Purpose: Gets the table descriptor
Supported: Yes
getTableDescriptors(List<String> names)
Modifier and Type: HTableDescriptor[]
Purpose: Gets table descriptors
Supported: Yes
getTableDescriptorsByTableName(List<TableName> tableNames)
Modifier and Type: HTableDescriptor[]
Purpose: Gets table descriptors
Supported: Yes
getTableRegions (byte[] tableName)
Modifier and Type: List<HRegionInfo>
Purpose: Gets the regions of a given table
Supported: Yes
getTableRegions(TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: List<HRegionInfo>
Purpose: Gets the regions of a given table
Supported: Yes
Modifier and Type: boolean
Purpose: Queries on the catalog janitor state. The MapR Database always returns false.
Supported: No
Modifier and Type: boolean
Purpose: Queries on the catalog janitor state. The MapR Database always returns false.
Supported: No
isProcedureFinished(String signature, String instance, Map<String,String> props)
Modifier and Type: boolean
Purpose: Checks the current state of the specified procedure
Supported: No
isSnapshotFinished(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription snapshot)
Modifier and Type: boolean
Purpose: Checks the current state of the passed snapshot
Supported: No
isTableAvailable(String tableName)
Modifier and Type: boolean
Purpose: Checks if all regions of the table are available
Supported: Yes
isTableAvailable(TableName tableName, byte[][] splitKeys)
Modifier and Type: boolean
Purpose: Checks if the table has been created with the specified number of splitkeys that was used while creating the given table
Supported: No
isTableAvailable(TableName tableName)>
Modifier and Type: boolean
Purpose: Returns true if all regions of the table are available
Supported: Yes
isTableDisabled(String tableName)
Modifier and Type: boolean
Purpose: Checks if the table is offline
NOTE Although the MapR Database supports this method, it only checks the flag.
Supported: Yes
isTableDisabled(TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: boolean
Purpose: Checks if the table is offline
NOTE Although the MapR Database supports this method, it only checks the flag.
Supported: Yes
isTableEnabled(String tableName)
Modifier and Type: boolean
Purpose: Checks if the table is online
NOTE Although the MapR Database supports this method, it only checks the flag, and does not change the flag.
Supported: Yes
isTableEnabled(TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: boolean
Purpose: Checks if the table is online
NOTE Although the MapR Database supports this method, it only checks the flag, and does not change the flag.
Supported: Yes
Modifier and Type: NamespaceDescriptor[]
Purpose: Lists available namespace descriptors
Supported: No
Modifier and Type: List<org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription>
Purpose: Lists completed snapshots
Supported: No
listSnapshots(Pattern pattern)
Modifier and Type: List<org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription>
Purpose: Lists all the completed snapshots that match the given pattern
Supported: No
listSnapshots(String regex)
Modifier and Type: List<org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription>
Purpose: Lists all the completed snapshots that match the given regular expression
Supported: No
listTableDescriptorsByNamespace(String name)
Modifier and Type: HTableDescriptor[]
Purpose: Gets the list of table descriptors by namespace
Supported: No
Modifier and Type: TableName[]
Purpose: Lists all the names of userspace tables
Supported: Yes
listTableNames(Pattern pattern, boolean includeSysTables)
Modifier and Type: TableName[]
Purpose: Lists all the names of userspace tables that match the specified pattern
Supported: Yes
listTableNames(Pattern pattern)
Modifier and Type: TableName[]
Purpose: Lists all the names of userspace tables that match the specified pattern
Supported: Yes
listTableNames(String regex, boolean includeSysTables)
Modifier and Type: TableName[]
Purpose: Lists all the names of userspace tables that match the specified regular expression
Supported: Yes
listTableNames(String regex)
Modifier and Type: TableName[]
Purpose: Lists all the names of userspace tables that match the specified regular expression
Supported: Yes
listTableNamesByNamespace(String name)
Modifier and Type: TableName[]
Purpose: Gets the list of table names by namespace
Supported: Yes
Modifier and Type: HTableDescriptor[]
Purpose: Lists all the userspace tables
Supported: Yes
listTables(Pattern pattern, boolean includeSysTables)
Modifier and Type: HTableDescriptor[]
Purpose: Lists all the tables that match the given pattern.
NOTE The MapR Database does not have system tables and therefore, the boolean value is ignored.
Supported: Yes
listTables(Pattern pattern)
Modifier and Type: HTableDescriptor[]
Purpose: Lists all the userspace tables matching the given pattern.
Supported: Yes
listTables(String regex, boolean includeSysTables)
Modifier and Type: HTableDescriptor[]
Purpose: Lists all the tables matching the given pattern.
NOTE The MapR Database does not have system tables and therefore, the boolean value is ignored.
Supported: Yes
listTables(String regex)
Modifier and Type: HTableDescriptor[]
Purpose: Lists all the userspace tables that match the given regular expression.
Supported: Yes
majorCompact(byte[] tableNameOrRegionName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Compacts a table, or an individual region.
Supported: Deprecated
majorCompact(String tableNameOrRegionName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Compacts a table, or an individual region.
Supported: Deprecated
majorCompact(byte[] tableNameOrRegionName, byte[] columnFamily)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Compacts a column family within a table, or a region
Supported: Deprecated
majorCompact(String tableNameOrRegionName, String columnFamily)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Compact a column family within a table, or a region
Supported: Deprecated
majorCompactRegion(byte[] regionName, byte[] columnFamily)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Compacts a column family within a region
Supported: No
majorCompactRegion(byte[] regionName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Compacts a table, or an individual region
Supported: No
mergeRegions(byte[] nameOfRegionA, byte[] nameOfRegionB, boolean forcible)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Merges two regions
Supported: No
modifyColumn(TableName tableName, HColumnDescriptor columnFamily)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Modifies an existing column family on a table
Supported: Yes
modifyColumn(TableName tableName, HColumnDescriptor columnFamily)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Modifies an existing column family on a table
Supported: Yes
modifyNamespace(NamespaceDescriptor descriptor)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Modifies an existing namespace
Supported: No
modifyTable (byte[] tableName, HTableDescriptor htd)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Modifies an existing table
Supported: Yes
modifyTable(final String tableName, final HTableDescriptor htd)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Modifies an existing table
Supported: Yes
modifyTable(TableName tableName, HTableDescriptor htd)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Modifies an existing table. This method is the more IRB friendly version.
Supported: Yes
move(byte[] encodedRegionName, byte[] destServerName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Moves the region to the destination
Supported: No
offline(byte[] regionName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Offlines specified region from master's in-memory state
Supported: No
restoreSnapshot(byte[] snapshotName, boolean takeFailSafeSnapshot)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Restores the specified snapshot on the original table
Supported: No
restoreSnapshot(byte[] snapshotName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Restores the specified snapshot on the original table
Supported: No
restoreSnapshot(String snapshotName, boolean takeFailSafeSnapshot)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Restores the specified snapshot on the original table
Supported: No
restoreSnapshot(String snapshotName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Restores the specified snapshot on the original table
Supported: No
rollWALWriter(ServerName serverName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Rolls the log writer.
Supported: No
Modifier and Type: int
Purpose: Requests a scan of the catalog table
Supported: No
setBalancerRunning(boolean on, boolean synchronous)
Modifier and Type: boolean
Purpose: Turns the load balancer on or off
NOTE The MapR Database does not require balancing. Therefore, the method just sets a flag. There is no impact on the MapR table.
Supported: No
setQuota(QuotaSettings quota)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Applies the new quota settings
Supported: No
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Shuts down the HBase cluster
Supported: No
snapshot(byte[] snapshotName, TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Creates a timestamp consistent snapshot for the given table
Supported: No
snapshot(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription snapshot)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Takes a snapshot, and waits for the server to complete that snapshot (blocking).
Supported: No
snapshot(String snapshotName, TableName tableName, org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription.Type type)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Creates a typed snapshot of the table
Supported: No
snapshot(String snapshotName, TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Takes a snapshot for the given table
Supported: No
split(byte[] tableNameOrRegionName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Splits a table
NOTE The tableNameOrRegionName parameter has a different format when used with MapR tables than with Apache HBase tables. With MapR tables, specify both the table path and the FID as a comma-separated list.
Supported: Yes
split(TableName tableName, byte[] splitPoint)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Splits a table.
NOTE The tableNameOrRegionName parameter has a different format when used with MapR tables than with Apache HBase tables. With MapR tables, specify both the table path and the FID as a comma-separated list.
Supported: No
split(TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Splits a table.
NOTE The tableNameOrRegionName parameter has a different format when used with MapR tables than with Apache HBase tables. With MapR tables, specify both the table path and the FID as a comma-separated list.
Supported: Yes
splitRegion(byte[] regionName, byte[] splitPoint)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Splits an individual region.
Supported: No
splitRegion(byte[] regionName)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Splits an individual region
Supported: Yes
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Shuts down the current HBase master only
Supported: No
stopRegionServer(String hostnamePort)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Stops the designated region server
Supported: No
tableExists(TableName tableName)
Modifier and Type: boolean
Purpose: Returns whether a table with the specified name exists
Supported: Yes
tableExists(byte[] tableName)
Modifier and Type: boolean
Purpose: Returns whether a table with the specified name exists
Supported: Yes
tableExists(String tableName)
Modifier and Type: boolean
Purpose: Returns whether a table with the specified name exists
Supported: Yes
takeSnapshotAsync(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription snapshot)
Modifier and Type: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MasterProtos.SnapshotResponse
Purpose: Takes a snapshot without waiting for the server to complete that snapshot (asynchronous). Ensure that you take only a single snapshot at a time, or the results may be undefined.
Supported: No
truncateTable(TableName tableName, boolean preserveSplits)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Truncates a table
Supported: Yes
unassign(byte[] regionName, boolean force)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Unassigns a region from the current hosting region server
Supported: No
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Updates the configuration, and triggers an online configuration change on all the region servers
Supported: No
updateConfiguration(ServerName server)
Modifier and Type: void
Purpose: Updates the configuration, and triggers an online configuration change on all the region servers
Supported: No