Create a table

The sample application creates a table by calling a function named ensureTable.

APIs used

The definition of this function uses these APIs:

APIs defined in the header file admin.h.
  • hb_admin_table_create(): Creates a table. Returns 0 on success or an error code.
  • hb_admin_table_delete(): Deletes a table. Returns 0 on success or an error code.
  • hb_admin_destroy(): Disconnects the hb_admin object, releasing any internal objects or connections that were created in the background.
  • hb_admin_table_disable(): Disables an HBase table. Returns 0 on success or an error code. Only sets a flag in memory to say that the table is disabled.

    NOTE Tables never need to be disabled or enabled in MapR Database, which has no notion of disabling or enabling tables. However, applications ported from HBase to MapR Database will attempt to disable and enable tables. By placing a flag in memory, MapR Database allows those applications to proceed without error when performing admin functions on tables.
  • hb_admin_table_enable(): Enables an HBase table. Returns 0 on success or an error code. As with hb_admin_table_enable, this function sets a flag in memory and performs no other operation.
  • hb_admin_table_enabled(): Checks whether an HBase table is enabled. Returns 0 if the table is enabled. If the table is disabled, returns either the error message HBASE_TABLE_DISABLED or an error code, if an error occurs. In MapR Database, this API only checks for the existence of an in-memory flag that indicates whether to consider a table as disabled or enabled.
  • hb_admin_table_exists(): Checks whether a table exists. Returns 0 on success or an error code.
APIs defined in the header file coldesc.h.
  • hb_coldesc_create(): Creates a column-family descriptor. Returns a handle to an hb_columndesc object or NULL, if unsuccessful.
  • hb_coldesc_set_maxversions(): Sets the maximum number of cell versions to be retained for the column family. The default is 3.
  • hb_coldesc_set_minversions(): Sets the minimum number of cell versions to be retained for the column family. The default is 0.
  • hb_coldesc_set_ttl(): Sets the time-to-live value in seconds for data in column cells. The default is forever.
  • hb_coldesc_set_inmemory(): Boolean. Determines whether preference is given to values of this column family for storage with row keys. Because row keys are cached in memory in preference to row data, column-family data that is stored inline with the row keys is also cached in memory.

    For all column families in a table together, up to 200 bytes of row data will be stored inline with each row key. Storing data inline with a row key might speed retrieval of the data from a column family because disk access can often be avoided. For each column family, up to 32 bytes can be stored inline with each row key even if its inmemory parameter is set to false, but preference will be given to column families where this parameter is set to true. A column family can have more than 32 bytes stored inline if its inmemory parameter is set to true.

    If the total number of bytes for all column families together exceeds 200 for a row, then preference for inclusion within the inline storage for that row is given to column families that have the inmemory parameter set to true. All of the data for a column family will be stored in-line with the row key, or none will be. If the contents in a column family for a particular row are larger than the maximum number of bytes that are allowed to be stored for that column family, no data at all will be stored in-line for that column family.

    The default value for the inmemory parameter is false.

  • hb_coldesc_destroy(): Releases resources that are held by a column-family descriptor.

Sequence of steps in the ensureTable function

  1. Create an admin handle from the connection.
  2. Using the admin handle, check whether the specified table exists.
  3. If the table exists, delete it.
  4. Specify columns and column families for the table.
  5. Create the table.
  6. Check whether the table is enabled. If it isn’t enabled, enable it.
  7. Disable the table and then enable it again.
  8. Destroy the column descriptors.
  9. Destroy the hb_admin structure.

Code for the ensureTable function at line 325

static int
ensureTable(hb_connection_t connection, const char *table_name) {
  int32_t retCode = 0;
  hb_admin_t admin = NULL;
  if ((retCode = hb_admin_create(connection, &admin)) != 0) {
    HBASE_LOG_ERROR("Could not create HBase admin : errorCode = %d.", retCode);
    goto cleanup;
  if ((retCode = hb_admin_table_exists(admin, NULL, table_name)) == 0) {
    HBASE_LOG_INFO("Table '%s' exists, deleting...", table_name);
    if ((retCode = hb_admin_table_delete(admin, NULL, table_name)) != 0) {
      HBASE_LOG_ERROR("Could not delete table %s[%d].", table_name, retCode);
      goto cleanup;
  } else if (retCode != ENOENT) {
    HBASE_LOG_ERROR("Error while checking if the table exists: errorCode = %d.", retCode);
    goto cleanup;
  hb_coldesc_create(FAMILIES[0], 1, &HCD[0]);
  hb_coldesc_set_maxversions(HCD[0], 2);
  hb_coldesc_set_minversions(HCD[0], 1);
  hb_coldesc_set_ttl(HCD[0], 2147480000);
  hb_coldesc_set_inmemory(HCD[0], 1);
  hb_coldesc_create(FAMILIES[1], 1, &HCD[1]);
  HBASE_LOG_INFO("Creating table '%s'...", table_name);
  if ((retCode = hb_admin_table_create(admin, NULL, table_name, HCD, 2)) == 0) {
    HBASE_LOG_INFO("Table '%s' created, verifying if enabled.", table_name);
    retCode = hb_admin_table_enabled(admin, NULL, table_name);
        "Table '%s' is %senabled, result %d.", table_name, retCode?"not ":"");
    retCode = hb_admin_table_disable(admin, NULL, table_name);
        "Attempted to disable table '%s', result %d.", table_name);
    retCode = hb_admin_table_disable(admin, NULL, table_name);
        "Attempted to disable table '%s' again, result %d.", table_name);
    retCode = hb_admin_table_enable(admin, NULL, table_name);
        "Attempted to enable table '%s', result %d.", table_name);
    retCode = hb_admin_table_enable(admin, NULL, table_name);
        "Attempted to enable table '%s' again, result %d.", table_name);
  if (admin) {
    hb_admin_destroy(admin, NULL, NULL);
  return retCode;

Code to call the ensureTable function

if ((retCode = ensureTable(connection, table_name)) != 0) {
  HBASE_LOG_ERROR("Failed to ensure table %s : errorCode = %d", table_name, retCode);
  goto cleanup;