Using Indexes to Optimize Range Conditions

Indexes can improve the performance of queries that have range conditions. The range conditions can appear in combination with equality conditions when the most significant index keys have equality conditions. You can define indexes that optimize range conditions on scalar data fields and container field paths.

The following range condition operators benefit from indexes:

  • Less than (or equal to)
  • Greater than (or equal to)
  • Pattern matching operator LIKE, provided the pattern in the condition does not start with a wildcard character

Assume you have a MapR Database JSON table with documents in the following format:

   "_id": "10000",
   "FullName": {
      "LastName": "Smith",
      "FirstName": "John"
   "Address": {
      "Street": "123 SE 22nd St.",
      "City": "Oakland",
      "State": "CA",
      "Zipcode": "94601-1001"
   "Gender": "M",
   "AccountBalance": 999.99,
   "Email": "",
   "Phones": [
        {"Type": "Home", "Number": "555-555-1234"},
        {"Type": "Mobile", "Number": "555-555-5678"},
        {"Type": "Work", "Number": "555-555-9012"}
   "Hobbies": ["Baseball", "Cooking", "Reading"],
   "DateOfBirth": "10/1/1985"

The examples in the following sections reference this sample JSON document.

Indexes on Scalar Data Fields in Range Conditions

The following table provides examples of when MapR Database can and cannot use the index with range conditions on scalar data. Assume that a composite index exists on the Address.State and Address.City fields. To use both indexed fields in the composite index, you must have an equality condition on Address.State.

Filter Condition How MapR Database Uses the Index
Reads from the beginning of the index up to and including the condition Address.State <= "CA".
Reads from the index starting at the condition Address.State > "CA" through the end of the index.
Performs a simple prefix match starting at the condition Address.State >= "C". Continues reading the index until the filter no longer qualifies.
Reads from the index starting at the condition Address.State = "CA" and Address.City >= "Oak". Continues reading from the index until the condition Address.State = "CA" no longer qualifies.

Performs these three lookups and reads through the index:

  • Address.State = "CA" and Address.City > "Spring"
  • Address.State = "NY" and Address.City > "Spring"
  • Address.State = "MA" and Address.City > "Spring"

Reads from the index starting at the condition Address.State > "C" through the end of the index.

Although Address.City is part of the index key, MapR Database does not use Address.City > "Oak" when initiating the index search. Applies that filter while reading the index.

Even if the query references the field Address.State, MapR Database cannot use the index unless there is also an equality condition on the prefix key of the index, Address.State.

Indexes on Container Field Paths in Range Conditions

Starting in MapR 6.1, you can define an index using a container field path as the indexed field.

For example, suppose you want to apply range conditions on individual hobbies within the Hobbies array field. You can define an index on the following field:


The following examples show range conditions that benefit from this index:

Query Condition Description
Finds documents that contain hobbies that start with the letter "B"
Finds documents that contain hobbies with a value greater than "Read"
Finds documents that contain hobbies that start with letters between "D" and "I", inclusive

When using the Hobbies[] container field path in the query condition, the condition matches both array elements and individual scalar values.

For another example, suppose you want to apply range filters on phone numbers. You can define an index on the following field:


The following examples show range conditions that benefit from this index:

Query Condition Description
Finds documents with phone numbers that have a 555 prefix
Finds documents that contain phone numbers in the specified range

When using the Phones[].Number container field path in the query condition, the condition matches instances where Phones is an array of nested documents as well as a single document.