OJAI Query Condition Examples

This section contains examples that show you how to use different OJAI query condition operators in combination with different field references and data types.

The examples in this section use the following JSON documents:

{ "_id" : "001", "name" : "Ipod 001", "tags" : [ "electronics", "ipod", "apple" ] }
{ "_id" : "002", "name" : "Ipod 002", "tags" : "ipod" }
{ "_id" : "003", "name" : "Ipod 003", "tags" : 10 }
{ "_id" : "004", "name" : "Ipod 004", "tags" : [ 10, "ipod", { "t" : "ipod" } ] }
{ "_id" : "005", "name" : "Ipod 005", "tags" : { "t" : "ipod" } }
{ "_id" : "006", "name" : "Ipod 006", "tags" : [ { "t" : "ipod" }, { "t" : "apple" } ] }
{ "_id" : "007", "name" : "Ipod 007", "tags" : [ { "t" : "ipod", "v" : 10 }, { "t" : "apple", "v" : 9 } ] }
{ "_id" : "008", "name" : "Ipod 008", "tags" : { "t" : "ipod", "v" : 10 } }
Example Documents Returned

Matches documents where tags is a nested document that has a v subfield.


Matches documents where tags equals the scalar value 10.


Matches documents where tags is a nested document with a subfield t equal to "ipod".

005, 008

Matches documents where tags is a nested document with a single subfield t equal to "ipod".


Matches documents where tags is a nested document with two subfields, v and t. v is equal to 10, and t is equal to "ipod". The order of subfields in the condition does not matter.


Matches documents where tags is an array with the three elements listed.


This example does not match any document, whereas the previous does, because the order of the elements in this example does not match the order in document 001.


Matches documents where tags is a scalar value between 5 and 15.


Matches documents where the first array element in tags qualifies the wildcard string "ip%"

001, 004

Matches documents where tags is a nested document.

005, 008

Matches documents where tags is an array.

001, 004, 006, 007

Matches documents where the size of the data in tags is greater than or equal to three.

  • 001 matches because the array has three elements
  • 002 matches because the string is of length four
  • 004 matches because the nested document has three subfields
001, 002, 004
{"$in":{"tags":["ipod", 10, {"t":"ipod"}]}}

Matches documents where tags equals any of the values listed. Note that the values can be of different types.

002, 003, 005

Matches documents where the first array element in tags has a nested document with a subfield v less than one, and the same nested document also matches the regular expression "ap{2}".


Matches documents where either tags is a nested document with a subfield v, or tags is a scalar string.

002, 008
NOTE You can improve the performance of queries with conditions by using secondary indexes. See Queries that Benefit from Secondary Indexes for more details.