Adjusting Memory Settings in the OJAI Distributed Query Service

This section describes how to verify, through log output, that your OJAI query is running out of memory due to memory limits in the OJAI Distributed Query Service. It then describes how to adjust the memory settings in the service.


  1. Before adjusting the OJAI Distributed Query Service memory settings, first confirm that your query has run out of memory due to limits in the service.

    You should see output like the following in your client application log:

    15:32:46.465 [Thread-21] - Error caused in scan Drill submissionFailed for "select t.`$$ENC00FIAF62LE`,t.`$$document` from dfs.`/tables/business` t where ((t.`city` = 'Currie') and (t.`state` = 'PA') and (t.`review_count` > 5100)) limit 1
    org.ojai.exceptions.OjaiException: Drill submissionFailed for "select t.`$$ENC00FIAF62LE`,t.`$$document` from dfs.`/tables/business` t where ((t.`city` = 'Currie') and (t.`state` = 'PA') and (t.`review_count` > 5100)) limit 128" please ch
            at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
            at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
    Caused by: org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.UserRemoteException: RESOURCE ERROR: One or more nodes ran out of memory while executing the query.
    Failure trying to allocate initial reservation for Allocator. Attempted to allocate 5000000 bytes and received an outcome of FAILED_LOCAL.
    Fragment 0:0

    In the OJAI Distributed Query Service, log files are in the /opt/mapr/drill/<drill-version>/logs/drillbit.log on each node where the Query Service is running.

    You should see output like the following:
    2017-10-07 15:32:41,693 [BitServer-3] INFO  o.a.drill.exec.ops.FragmentContext - User Error Occurred: One or more nodes ran out of memory while executing the query. (Failure trying to allocate initial reservation for Allocator. Attempted
    org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.UserException: RESOURCE ERROR: One or more nodes ran out of memory while executing the query.
    Failure trying to allocate initial reservation for Allocator. Attempted to allocate 7000000 bytes and received an outcome of FAILED_LOCAL.
    Fragment 1:1
  2. After confirming, increase the Query Service memory settings by editing the /opt/mapr/conf/conf.d/warden.drill-bits.conf file on each Drillbit node. The file contains the following entries:

    Perform the following steps on each Drillbit node:

    1. Modify DRILL_HEAP and DRILL_MAX_DIRECT_MEMORY in the service.env entry based on your requirements.
    2. Update service.heapsize.min and service.heapsize.max to reflect the updates you made. The numbers sum to the 3 memory settings in the service.env entry.
    3. Restart warden on the node by running the following command:
      service mapr-warden restart