Impala Built-In Functions

IMPORTANT This component is deprecated. Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends using an alternate product. For more information, see Discontinued Ecosystem Components.

You can use built-in functions to transform data directly in SELECT statements to avoid post processing in another application. Built-in functions allow an SQL query to return result sets with formatting, calculating, and type conversions already applied.

Impala supports the following categories of functions:

  • Aggregation Functions
  • Type Conversion Functions
  • Mathematical Functions
  • Date and Time Functions
  • String Functions
  • Conditional Functions
  • Bit Manipulation Functions
  • Analytic Window Functions
  • Miscellaneous Functions

The following table provides a few rules that apply to built-in functions:

Rule Example

Call functions through the SELECT statement.

You can omit the FROM clause in most functions.

Supply literal values for any required arguments.

select abs(-1);
select concat('The sly ', 'brown
select power(2,5);

When you include a FROM clause and specify a

column name as a function argument, the function

is applied to each item in the result set.

select concat('State = ',state_code) from
                  all_states where population > 20000000;
select round(price) as dollar_value
                    from product_directory where price between 400.0 and
If an argument to a built-in function is NULL, the result value NULL.
select cos(null);
select power(2,null);

Aggregate functions require a FROM clause in the query.

They calculate a return value across all items in a result set.

Aggregate functions ignore NULL values rather than returning a NULL result.

select count(customer_id) from
select max(weight), avg(weight) from
                  census_data where age > 40;

The following sections list the available functions:

Aggregation Functions

You can use the following aggregation functions:
  • AVG()
  • COUNT()
  • MAX()
  • MIN()
  • NDV()
  • STDDEV()
  • SUM()

Type Conversion Functions

Use conversion functions in combination with other functions to explicitly pass the expected data types.
Use CAST when passing a column value or literal to a function that expects a parameter with a different type.
cast(expr as type)
select concat('Here are the first ',10,' results.'); -- Fails
select concat('Here are the first ',cast(10 as string),' results.'); -- Succeeds
Available as of Impala 2.5.0. Use typeof to reutrn the name of the data type corresponding to an expression. For types with extra attributes, such as length for CHAR and VARCHAR, or precision and scale for DECIMAL, includes the full specification of the type.
typeof(type value)
select typeof(2);
select typeof('xyz');
select typeof(5.30001 / 2342.1);
The examples above return tinyint, string, and DECIMAL(13,11) respectively.

Mathematical Functions

The following functions were added in Impala 2.5.0:
  • dceil(double a), dceil(decimal(p,s) a)
  • dexp(double a)
  • dfloor(double a), dfloor(decimal(p,s) a)
  • dlog10(double a)
  • dpow(double a, double p), fpow(double a, double p)
  • dround(double a), dround(double a, int d), dround(decimal(p,s) a, int_type d)
  • dsqrt(double a)
  • dtrunc(double_or_decimal a[, digits_to_leave])
  • factorial(integer_type a)
  • radians(double a)
  • random(), random(int seed)

The following table lists the mathematical functions with their descriptions and return types:

Function Description Return type
abs(double a) Ensures all return values are positive. Returns the absolute value of the argument. double
acos(double a) Returns the arccosine of the argument. double
asin(double a) Returns the arcsine of the argument. double
bin(bigint a) Returns the binary representation of an integer value. string
ceil(double a), ceiling(double a),dceil(double a), dceil(decimal(p,s) a) Returns the smallest integer > or = to the argument. int or decimal(p,s) depending on the type of the input argument
conv(bigint num, int from_base, int to_base), conv(string num, int from_base, int to_base)

Returns a string representation of an integer value in a particular base. The input value can be a string. To use the return value as a number, use CAST() to convert to the appropriate type.

cos(double a) Returns the cosine of the argument. double
cot(double a) Returns the cotangent of the argument. double
degrees(double a) Converts the argument value from radians to degrees. double
e() Returns the mathematical constant e. double
exp(double a),

dexp(double a)

Returns the mathematical constant e raised to the power of the argument. double
factorial(integer_type a)

Computes the factorial of an integer value. It works with any integer type. You can use either the factorial() function or the ! operator. The factorial of 0 is 1. Likewise, the factorial() function returns 1 for any negative value. The maximum positive value for the input argument is 20; a value of 21 or greater overflows the range for a BIGINT and causes an error.

floor(double a), dfloor(double a), dfloor(decimal(p,s) a) Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the argument. int, bigint, or decimal(p,s) depending on the type of the input argument
fnv_hash(type v) Returns a consistent 64-bit value, derived from the input argument. Use for implementing hashing logic in an application. bigint
greatest() Returns the largest value from a list of expressions. The return type is the same as the initial argument value. Integer values are promoted to BIGINT. Floating-point values are promoted to DOUBLE. Use CAST() when inserting into a smaller numeric column.
hex(bigint a), hex(string a) Returns the hexadecimal representation of an integer value, or of the characters in a string. string
is_inf(double a) Tests whether a value is equal to the special value "inf", signifying infinity. boolean
is_nan(double a) Tests whether a value is equal to the special value "NaN", signifying "not a number". boolean
least() Returns the smallest value from a list of expressions. The return type is the same as the initial argument value. Integer values are promoted to BIGINT. Floating-point values are promoted to DOUBLE. Use CAST() when inserting into a smaller numeric column.
ln(double a) Returns the natural logarithm of the argument. double
log(double base, double a) Returns the logarithm of the second argument to the specified base. double
log10(double a), dlog10(double a) Returns the logarithm of the argument to the base 10. double
log2(double a) Returns the logarithm of the argument to the base 2. double
mod() This function returns the modulus of a number. MOD is equivalent to using the % arithmetic operator. It works with any size integer type, any size floating-point type, and DECIMAL with any precision and scale. Same as the input value

negative(int a), negative(double a)

Returns the argument with the sign reversed; returns a positive value if the argument was already negative.

If return values must be negative, use -abs(a) instead.

int or double
max_int(),min_smallint() Checks whether data values are in an expected range. You might be able to switch a column to a smaller type to save memory during processing. The same as the integral type being checked.
pi() Returns the constant pi. double
pmod(int a, int b), pmod(double a, double b) Purpose: Returns the positive modulus of a number. int or double

positive(int a), positive(double a)

Returns the original argument; applies to negative arguments also.

If return values must be positive, use abs().

int or double
pow(double a, double p), power(double a, double p), dpow(double a, double p), fpow(double a, double p) Returns the first argument raised to the power of the second argument. double
quotient(int numerator, int denominator) Returns the first argument divided by the second argument and discards any fractional part. Avoids promoting arguments to DOUBLE as happens with the / SQL operator. int
radians(double a) Converts argument value from degrees to radians. double
rand(), rand(int seed), random(), random(int seed) Returns a random value between 0 and 1. After rand() is called with a seed argument, produces a consistent random sequence based on the seed value. Currently, the random sequence is reset after each query, and multiple calls to rand() within the same query return the same value each time. For different number sequences that are different for each query, pass a unique seed value to each call to rand(). For example, select rand(unix_timestamp()) from ... double
round(double a), round(double a, int d), dround(double a), dround(double a, int d), dround(decimal(p,s) a, int_type d) Rounds a floating-point value. By default (with a single argument), rounds to the nearest integer. Values ending in .5 are rounded up for positive numbers, down for negative numbers. The second argument is optional and specifies how many digits to leave after the decimal point. Values greater than zero produce a floating-point return value rounded to the requested number of digits to the right of the decimal point. bigint for single and double argument; double for two-argument signature when second argument is greater than zero; for DECIMAL values, the smallest DECIMAL(p,s) type with appropriate precision and scale
sign(double a) Returns -1, 0, or 1 to indicate the sign of the argument value. int
sin(double a) Returns the sine of the argument. double
sqrt(double a), dsqrt(double a) Returns the square root of the argument. double
tan(double a) Returns the tangent of the argument. double
truncate(double_or_decimal a[, digits_to_leave]), dtrunc(double_or_decimal a[, digits_to_leave]) Removes some or all fractional digits from a numeric value. With no argument, removes all fractional digits, leaving an integer value. The optional argument specifies the number of fractional digits to include in the return value, and only applies with the argument type is DECIMAL. truncate() and dtrunc() are aliases for the same function. decimal for DECIMAL arguments; bigint for DOUBLE arguments
unhex(string a) Returns a string of characters with ASCII values corresponding to pairs of hexadecimal digits in the argument. string

Date and Time Functions

TIMESTAMP is the underlying datatype for data and time data. Functions that extract a single field, such as hour() or minute(), typically return an integer value. Functions that format the date portion, such as date_add() or to_date(), typically return a string value.

The following table lists the date and time functions with their descriptions and return types:
Function Description Return Type
add_months() Alias for the existing MONTHS_ADD() function. timestamp
date_add(string startdate, int days) Adds a specified number of days to a date represented as a string. string
date_part() A new date and time function, similar to EXTRACT(), but with the order of the arguments reversed. You can also call the EXTRACT() function using the SQL-99 syntax, EXTRACT(unit FROM timestamp). These enhancements simplify the porting process for date-related code from other systems. int
date_sub(string startdate, int days) Subtracts a specified number of days from a date represented as a string. string
datediff(string enddate, string startdate) Returns the number of days between two dates represented as strings. int
day(string date), dayofmonth(string date) Returns the day field from a date represented as a string. int
dayname(string date) Returns the day field from a date represented as a string, converted to the string corresponding to that day name. The range of return values is 'Sunday' to 'Saturday'. Use in report-generating queries, instead of calling dayofweek() and turning that numeric return value into a string using a CASE expression. string
dayofweek(string date) Returns the day field from a date represented as a string, corresponding to the day of the week. The range of return values is 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday). int
extract() Returns one date or time field from a TIMESTAMP value. timestamp
from_unixtime(bigint unixtime[, string format]) Converts the number of seconds from the Unix epoch to the specified time into a string. string
from_utc_timestamp(timestamp, string timezone) Converts a specified UTC timestamp value into the appropriate value for a specified time zone. timestamp
hour(string date) Returns the hour field from a date represented as a string. int
int_months_between(timestamp newer, timestamp older) Available as of Impala 2.5.0. Returns the number of months between the date portions of two TIMESTAMP values, as an INT representing only the full months that passed. int
minute(string date) Returns the minute field from a date represented as a string. int
month(string date) Returns the month field from a date represented as a string. int
months_between(timestamp newer, timestamp older) Available as of Impala 2.5.0. Returns the number of months between the date portions of two TIMESTAMP values. Can include a fractional part representing extra days in addition to the full months between the dates. The fractional component is computed by dividing the difference in days by 31 (regardless of the month). double
now() Returns the current date and time (in the UTC time zone) as a timestamp value. timestamp
second(string date) Returns the second field from a date represented as a string. int
timeofday() Available as of Impala 2.5.0. Returns a string representation of the current date and time, according to the time of the local system, including any time zone designation. string
timestamp_cmp(timestamp t1, timestamp t2) Available as of Impala 2.5.0. Tests if one TIMESTAMP value is newer than, older than, or identical to another TIMESTAMP int (either -1, 0, 1, or NULL)
to_date(string timestamp) Returns the date field from a timestamp represented as a string. string
to_utc_timestamp(timestamp, string timezone) Converts a specified timestamp value in a specified time zone into the corresponding value for the UTC time zone. timestamp
trunc() Truncates date/time values to a particular granularity, such as year, month, day, hour, and so on.
unix_timestamp(), unix_timestamp(string date), unix_timestamp(string date, string pattern) Returns a timestamp representing the current date and time, or converts from a specified date and time value represented as a string. bigint
weekofyear(string date) Returns the corresponding week (1-53) from a date represented as a string. int
year(string date) Returns the year field from a date represented as a string. int

String Functions

The following table lists the string functions with their descriptions and return types:

Function Description Return Type
ascii(string str) Returns the numeric ASCII code of the first character of the argument. int
btrim(string a), btrim(string a, string chars_to_trim) Available as of Impala 2.5.0. Removes all instances of one or more characters from the start and end of a STRING value. By default, removes only spaces. If a non-NULL optional second argument is specified, the function removes all occurrences of characters in that second argument from the beginning and end of the string. string
chr(int character_code) Available as of Impala 2.5.0. Returns a character specified by a decimal code point value. The interpretation and display of the resulting character depends on your system locale. Because consistent processing of Impala string values is only guaranteed for values within the ASCII range, only use this function for values corresponding to ASCII characters. In particular, parameter values greater than 255 return an empty string. string
concat(string a, string b...) Returns a single string representing all the argument values joined together. string
concat_ws(string sep, string a, string b...) Returns a single string representing the second and following argument values joined together, delimited by a specified separator. string

find_in_set(string str, string strList)

Returns the position (starting from 1) of the first occurrence of a specified string within a comma-separated string. Returns NULL if either argument is NULL, 0 if the search string is not found, or 0 if the search string contains a comma. int
initcap(string str) Returns the input string with the first letter capitalized. string
instr(string str, string substr) Returns the position (starting from 1) of the first occurrence of a substring within a longer string. int
length(string a) Returns the length in characters of the argument string. int
locate(string substr, string str[, int pos]) Returns the position (starting from 1) of the first occurrence of a substring within a longer string, optionally after a particular position. int
lower(string a), lcase(string a) Returns the argument string converted to all-lowercase. string

lpad(string str, int len, string pad)

Returns a string of a specified length, based on the first argument string. If the specified string is too short, it is padded on the left with a repeating sequence of the characters from the pad string. If the specified string is too long, it is truncated on the right. string
ltrim(string a) Returns the argument string with any leading spaces removed from the left side. string
parse_url(string urlString, string partToExtract [, string keyToExtract])

Returns the portion of a URL corresponding to a specified part. The part argument can be 'PROTOCOL', 'HOST', 'PATH', 'REF', 'AUTHORITY', 'FILE', 'USERINFO', or 'QUERY'. Literal values must be uppercase. You can specify a key to retrieve only the associated value from the key-value pairs in the query string when you request the query portion of the URL. Useful for importing web logs.

regexp_extract(string subject, string pattern, int index) Returns the specified () group from a string based on a regular expression pattern. string
regexp_like(string source, string pattern[, string options]) Available as of Impala 2.5.0. Returns true or false to indicate whether the source string contains anywhere inside it the regular expression given by the pattern. The optional third argument consists of letter flags that change how the match is performed, such as i for case-insensitive matching. boolean
regexp_replace(string initial, string pattern, string replacement) Returns the initial argument with the regular expression pattern replaced by the final argument string. string
repeat(string str, int n) Returns the argument string repeated a specified number of times. string
reverse(string a) Purpose: Returns the argument string with characters in reversed order. string

rpad(string str, int len, string pad)

Returns a string of a specified length, based on the first argument string. If the specified string is too short, it is padded on the right with a repeating sequence of the characters from the pad string. If the specified string is too long, it is truncated on the right. string
rtrim(string a) Returns the argument string with any trailing spaces removed from the right side. string
space(int n) Returns a concatenated string of the specified number of spaces. Shorthand for repeat(' ',n). string
split_part(string source, string delimiter, bigint n) Available as of Impala 2.5.0. Returns the nth field within a delimited string. The fields are numbered starting from 1. The delimiter can consist of multiple characters, not just a single character. All matching of the delimiter is done exactly, not using any regular expression patterns. string
substr(string a, int start [, int len]), substring(string a, int start [, int len]) Returns the portion of the string starting at a specified point, optionally with a specified maximum length. The characters in the string are indexed starting at 1. string
translate(string input, string from, string to) Returns the input string with a set of characters replaced by another set of characters. string
trim(string a) Returns the input string with leading and trailing spaces removed. The same as passing the string through both ltrim() and rtrim(). string
upper(string a), ucase(string a) Returns the argument string converted to all-uppercase. string

Conditional Functions

Use the conditional functions to test equality, comparison operators, and nullity.

The following table lists the conditional functions with their descriptions and return types:
Function Description Return Type
CASE a WHEN b THEN c [WHEN d THEN e]... [ELSE f] END Compares an expression to one or more possible values, and returns a corresponding result when a match is found. Same as the initial argument value
CASE WHEN a THEN b [WHEN c THEN d]... [ELSE e] END Tests whether any of a sequence of expressions is true, and returns a corresponding result for the first true expression. Same as the initial argument value
coalesce(type v1, type v2, ...) Returns the first specified argument that is not NULL, or NULL if all arguments are NULL. Same as the initial argument value
decode() Compares an expression to one or more possible values and returns a corresponding result when a match is found. This function works as a shorthand for a CASE() expression and improves compatibility with SQL code containing vendor extensions. Same as the initial argument value, except that integer values are promoted to BIGINT and floating-point values are promoted to DOUBLE; use CAST() when inserting into a smaller numeric column
if(boolean condition, type ifTrue, type ifFalseOrNull) Tests an expression and returns a corresponding result depending on whether the result is true, false, or NULL. Same as ifTrue argument value
isfalse(), isnotfalse(), isnottrue(), istrue(), notnullvalue(), nullvalue() These conditional functions provide enhanced compatibility when porting code that uses industry extensions.

isnull(type a, type ifNotNull)

Tests if an expression is NULL, and returns the expression result value if not. If the first argument is NULL, returns the second argument. Equivalent to the nvl() function from Oracle Database orifnull() from MySQL. Same as the first argument value
nullif(expr1,expr2) Returns NULL if the two specified arguments are equal. If the specified arguments are not equal, returns the value of expr1. The data types of the expressions must be compatible. You cannot use an expression that evaluates to NULL for expr1, so you can distinguish a return value of NULL from an argument value of NULL, which would never match expr2. Same as the initial argument value, except that integer values are promoted to BIGINT and floating-point values are promoted to DOUBLE; use CAST() when inserting into a smaller numeric column
nullifzero(numeric_expr) Returns NULL if the numeric expression evaluates to 0, otherwise returns the result of the expression. Same as the initial argument value, except that integer values are promoted to BIGINT and floating-point values are promoted to DOUBLE; use CAST() when inserting into a smaller numeric column

nvl(type a, type ifNotNull)

Alias for the isnull() function; added in Impala 1.1. Tests if an expression is NULL, and returns the expression result value if not. If the first argument is NULL, returns the second argument. Equivalent to the nvl() function from Oracle Database or ifnull() from MySQL. Same as the first argument value
zeroifnull(numeric_expr) Returns 0 if the numeric expression evaluates to NULL, otherwise returns the result of the expression. Same as the initial argument value, except that integer values are promoted to BIGINT and floating-point values are promoted to DOUBLE; use CAST() when inserting into a smaller numeric column

Bit Manipulation Functions

Impala 2.5.0 introduces bit manipulation functions.

The following table lists the bit manipulation functions with their descriptions and return types:

Function Description Return Type
bitand(integer_type a, same_type b)

Returns an integer value representing the bits that are set to 1 in both of the arguments. If the arguments are of different sizes, the smaller is promoted to the type of the larger. The bitand() function is equivalent to the & binary operator.

Same as the input value
bitnot(integer_type a)

Inverts all the bits of the input argument. The bitnot() function is equivalent to the ~ unary operator.

Same as the input value
bitor(integer_type a, same_type b)

Returns an integer value representing the bits that are set to 1 in either of the arguments. If the arguments are of different sizes, the smaller is promoted to the type of the larger. The bitor() function is equivalent to the | binary operator.

Same as the input value
bitxor(integer_type a, same_type b)

Returns an integer value representing the bits that are set to 1 in one but not both of the arguments. If the arguments are of different sizes, the smaller is promoted to the type of the larger. The bitxor() function is equivalent to the ^ binary operator.

Same as the input value
countset(integer_type a [, int zero_or_one])

By default, returns the number of 1 bits in the specified integer value. If the optional second argument is set to zero, it returns the number of 0 bits instead.

Same as the input value
getbit(integer_type a, int position)

Returns a 0 or 1 representing the bit at a specified position. The positions are numbered right to left, starting at zero. The position argument cannot be negative. When you use a literal input value, it is treated as an 8-bit, 16-bit, and so on value, the smallest type that is appropriate. The type of the input value limits the range of the positions. Cast the input value to the appropriate type if you need to ensure it is treated as a 64-bit, 32-bit, and so on value.

Same as the input value
rotateleft(integer_type a, int positions)

Rotates an integer value left by a specified number of bits. As the most significant bit is taken out of the original value, if it is a 1 bit, it is "rotated" back to the least significant bit. Therefore, the final value has the same number of 1 bits as the original value, just in different positions. Specifying a second argument of zero leaves the original value unchanged. Rotating a -1 value by any number of positions still returns -1, because the original value has all 1 bits and all the 1 bits are preserved during rotation. Similarly, rotating a 0 value by any number of positions still returns 0. Rotating a value by the same number of bits as in the value returns the same value. Because this is a circular operation, the number of positions is not limited to the number of bits in the input value. For example, rotating an 8-bit value by 1, 9, 17, and so on positions returns an identical result in each case.

Same as the input value
rotateright(integer_type a, int positions)

Rotates an integer value right by a specified number of bits. As the least significant bit is taken out of the original value, if it is a 1 bit, it is "rotated" back to the most significant bit. Therefore, the final value has the same number of 1 bits as the original value, just in different positions. Specifying a second argument of zero leaves the original value unchanged. Rotating a -1 value by any number of positions still returns -1, because the original value has all 1 bits and all the 1 bits are preserved during rotation. Similarly, rotating a 0 value by any number of positions still returns 0. Rotating a value by the same number of bits as in the value returns the same value. Because this is a circular operation, the number of positions is not limited to the number of bits in the input value. For example, rotating an 8-bit value by 1, 9, 17, and so on positions returns an identical result in each case.

Same as the input value
setbit(integer_type a, int position [, int zero_or_one]) By default, changes a bit at a specified position to a 1, if it is not already. If the optional third argument is set to zero, the specified bit is set to 0 instead. If the bit at the specified position was already 1 (by default) or 0 (with a third argument of zero), the return value is the same as the first argument. The positions are numbered right to left, starting at zero. (Therefore, the return value could be different from the first argument even if the position argument is zero.) The position argument cannot be negative. When you use a literal input value, it is treated as an 8-bit, 16-bit, and so on value, the smallest type that is appropriate. The type of the input value limits the range of the positions. Cast the input value to the appropriate type if you need to ensure it is treated as a 64-bit, 32-bit, and so on value. Same as the input value
shiftleft(integer_type a, int positions)

Shifts an integer value left by a specified number of bits. As the most significant bit is taken out of the original value, it is discarded and the least significant bit becomes 0. The final value has either the same number of 1 bits as the original value, or fewer. Shifting an 8-bit value by 8 positions, a 16-bit value by 16 positions, and so on produces a result of zero. Specifying a second argument of zero leaves the original value unchanged. Shifting any value by 0 returns the original value. Shifting any value by 1 is the same as multiplying it by 2, as long as the value is small enough; larger values eventually become negative when shifted, as the sign bit is set. Starting with the value 1 and shifting it left by N positions gives the same result as 2 to the Nth power, or pow(2,N).

Same as the input value
shiftright(integer_type a, int positions)

Shifts an integer value right by a specified number of bits. As the least significant bit is taken out of the original value, it is discarded and the most significant bit becomes 0. In computer science terms, this operation is a "logical shift".

Usage notes:

Therefore, the final value has either the same number of 1 bits as the original value, or fewer. Shifting an 8-bit value by 8 positions, a 16-bit value by 16 positions, and so on produces a result of zero. Specifying a second argument of zero leaves the original value unchanged. Shifting any value by 0 returns the original value. Shifting any positive value right by 1 is the same as dividing it by 2. Negative values become positive when shifted right.

Same as the input value

Analytic Functions

Analytic (window) functions operate on a set of rows and return a single value for each row from the underlying query. The term "window" describes the set of rows on which the function operates. A window function uses values from the rows in a window to calculate the returned values. When you use a window function in a query, you define the window using the OVER() clause. The OVER() clause (window clause) differentiates window functions from other analytical and reporting functions.

As of Impala 2.2.0, you can use the following analytic functions in queries:

  • MAX()
  • MIN()
  • SUM()
  • COUNT()
  • AVG()
  • RANK()
  • LAG()
  • LEAD()
As of Impala 2.5.0, you can use the following analytic functions in queries:

The analytic functions support the following syntax:

function(args) OVER([partition_by_clause] [order_by_clause [window_clause]])
partition_by_clause ::= PARTITION BY expr [, expr ...]order_by_clause ::= ORDER BY expr  [ASC | DESC] [NULLS FIRST | NULLS LAST] [, expr [ASC |DESC] [NULLS FIRST | NULLS LAST] ...]
The window clause supports the following syntax:

Miscellaneous Functions

The following table lists miscellaneous functions with their descriptions and syntax:

Function Description Syntax
uuid() The uuid() function generates an alphanumeric value that you can use as a guaranteed unique identifier. The uniqueness applies across tables in cases where an ascending numeric sequence is not suitable.

select uuid();