Setting up Users from an LDAP Database

About this task

This diagram shows how the LDAP client embedded in Hue searches the LDAP server's database for user names, and then adds them to the User Admin directory for Hue.

The following table shows the parameters you need to set in the ldap section of the hue.ini file so you can import users.

WARNING The hue.ini file is located at /opt/mapr/hue/hue-<version>/desktop/conf/.
Parameter Description Comments
ldap_url The URL of your LDAP server.
base_dn Top of the search tree, which defines the search scope.
bind_dn Distinguished name (DN) of the user to bind as. Can be omitted for anonymous searches.
bind_password Password of the bind user. Can be omitted for anonymous searches.
user_filter Limits the scope of the search by applying a filter. This parameter is optional.
user_name_attr The attribute used for username in the LDAP schema. Examples: cn (for common name) or uid (for user ID).

To set up Hue users by importing information from an LDAP database:


  1. Establish communication with the LDAP server by setting the ldap_url parameter in the ldap section of the hue.ini file. Uncomment the line and change the value from the default ( ldap://localhost ) to the URL for your LDAP server.
    # URL of the LDAP server
  2. Provide the base_dn information to define the search scope. Uncomment the line where base_dn is defined and replace with your base_dn.
    # The search base for finding users and groups
        ## base_dn="DC=mycompany,DC=com"
  3. If your LDAP server does not support anonymous searches, you need to provide the bind_dn and bind_password. Uncomment the lines with these parameters and change the values to your bind_dn and your bind_password.
    # Distinguished name of the user to bind as -- not necessary if the LDAP server
        # supports anonymous searches
        ## bind_dn="CN=ServiceAccount,DC=mycompany,DC=com"
        # Password of the bind user -- not necessary if the LDAP server supports
        # anonymous searches
        ## bind_password=
  4. If you want to narrow the scope of the directory search, specify a user_filter in the users section under the ldap section of the hue.ini file. This is optional.
          # Base filter for searching for users
          ## user_filter="objectclass=*"
  5. Set the user_name_attr parameter in the users section under the ldap section of the hue.ini file. If your LDAP directory schema does not use the attribute sAMAccountName for the username, uncomment the line and change the value of the user_name_attr to the attribute you use. For example, if the directory schema uses the uid attribute, change the value of the parameter as shown:
          # The username attribute in the LDAP schema
          ## user_name_attr=sAMAccountName
  6. Restart httpfs so ldap settings will take effect.
  7. Restart Hue once all configuration changes have been made so the changes will take effect.